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摘 要 行政指导是现代政府施政中心,作为一种灵活的管理模式,弥补了法律的空 白和僵化。但由于理论研究和立法的滞后,现实中行政指导实施没有程序规范, 法律责任和法律救济途径缺失。如何把行政指导纳入法治的轨道成为一个非常复 杂而重要的问题。 本文在借鉴前人研究的基础上,从司法审查的角度切入,论述了为保障相对 人的合法权益,对行政指导进行司法审查的必要性和可能性,并提出了完善救济 途径的建议。 围绕上述主题,全文分为引言、正文、结束语三部分。引言描述了行政指导 理论和实践的现状,说明了行政指导法治化的现实意义。 正文共分为四章。第一章分析了行政指导司法审查的必要性,从揭示行政指 导的本质入手,指出为保障相对人的权利,司法审查是最权威、最有效的途径, 是把行政指导纳入法治的必然选择;第二章对行政指导司法审查的可能性进行探 讨,从法理和现行立法中分析对行政指导司法审查的可能性;第三章国内外行政 指导司法审查实例考察,对国内外行政指导的案例进行了评析;第四章是对我国 行政指导的法治化思考,分析了我国行政指导实践中存在的问题和原因,提出完 善以司法救济为重心的权利救济体系和完善相关立法的建议。 关键词: 行政指导;法治;司法审查 ABSTRACT Administrative Guidance is the center of administration. As a flexible administration pattern, it has made up for the vacancy and rigidity of law. Because of the backwardness of theory research and legislation, in practice the implementation of administrative guidance have no standardized procedures, law responsibility and lawful succor. How to take administrative guidance into the orbit of the rule of law has become a very complex and important issue. Based on predecessors’ research, the author discusses the necessity and probability of judicial review, and proposes perfecting redress administrative guidance from the perspective of judicial review. Around the above theses, this article consists of preface 、straight matter and conclusion. Preface depicts the actuality of theory and practice of administrative guidance, and explains the realistic meaning of judicial review on administrative guidance. The straight matter includes four charters. In the first charter the author analyses the necessity of judicial review on administrative guidance. The author indicates that judicial review is the most authoritativ e and


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