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* 都 有 为 (江苏省纳米技术重点实验室 南京大学固体微结构物理国家重点实验室 南京 210093) 磁性材料是 用广泛、品种繁多的一类重要的功能材料, 20世纪 90年代以后发展十分迅速. 稀土- 3d过 渡族磁性合金材料, 如稀土永磁、巨磁致收缩材料、巨磁热效 材料, 磁光效 材料等, 以及非晶, 纳米微晶磁性材料 相继问世. 1988年巨磁电阻效 的发现已获广泛 用, 如读出磁头、传感器以及磁随机存储器等, 并发展成为自旋电 子学的新学科. 文章简要介绍了近年来磁性材料的一些新进展. 关键词 磁性材料, 永磁, 软磁, 纳米磁性材料, 自旋电子学材料 Development ofmagneticmaterials in recent years  DU YouW e i (J iangsu ProvincialLaboratoryf orN ano Technology and NationalLaboratory of Solid StateM icrostructuresN anj ing University,N anj ing 210093, China) Abstract M a netic m aterials are mi portant functionalm aterials which havew ide applications and consist of a w ide variety. The developm ent ofma netic m aterialsw as extrem ely rap id durin the 1990s, whenm a netic alloys of the rare earth- 3d iron roup, such as rare earth permanent ma nets, iantm a netostriction m aterials, iant ma netocaloric m aterials, m a netooptic m aterials, ma netic am orphous materials, and nanocrystalline ma netic materials, appeared one by one. T he discovery of iant ma netoresistance led to a new research dom ain - sp in tron ics. Today it is used in various types of dev ices such as read- out heads, sensors and ma netic random access m emories. An overv iew of new advances in the developm ent ofma netic materialsw ill be presented. Keywords ma netic materia,l hardm a neticm aterial, softma neticm aterial, nanostructuredm a neticm ateri a,l m aterials for spintronics. 世纪金属镍、钴相继被提炼成功, 这一漫长的历史时 1 引言 期是 3d过渡族金属磁性材料生产与原始 用的阶 段; 20 世纪初期 ( 1900 1932 ), FeS、i FeN i、FeCoN i 磁性材料是 用广泛、品类繁多、与时俱进的一


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