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基于随机数值模拟法的秦巴山区岩石边坡稳定性分析 [摘要]:边坡稳定性研究一直是岩土工程领域的一个重要内容。由于影响边坡稳定性的因素具有明显的不确定性,传统的安全系数无法表达边坡发生破坏的可能性。 基于此,本文探讨了蒙托卡罗方法在岩质边坡滑坡稳定性评价中的应用,并以汉中市城固县天明镇的道路滑坡为例,分析了滑坡的基本特征,对岩体裂隙砂土进行了物理力学试验,得到了计算所需的岩体裂隙砂土的参数。采用蒙托卡罗方法对影响边坡稳定性的各个因素进行了数值模拟,得出了影响滑坡稳定性的主要因素。主要研究内容如下: (1)论文介绍了岩质边坡滑坡对人们的生活带来的巨大危害,以及岩质边坡稳定性当前的研究现状,并指出当前研究方法中存在的一些不足。 (2)论文对蒙托卡罗方法在滑坡稳定性分析中的应用做了基本介绍,并且介绍了蒙托卡罗数值模拟法的基本原理,以及运用蒙托卡罗数值模拟法分析边坡稳定性的优势。 (3)以秦巴山区典型滑坡岩石为研究对象,对汉中市城固县天明镇的道路滑坡进行了现场调研,并采集了风化层岩体裂隙的砂土样。在此基础上,运用室内剪切实验分析了岩石裂隙砂土的剪切强度,并人工配制了不同含水率的土样,研究了含水率对岩石裂隙砂土剪切强度的影响规律。 (4)为了研究岩体边坡高度、坡度、节理走向和间距、节理间摩擦角等参数对岩石边坡稳定性的影响,论文运用蒙托卡罗数值模拟的方法,分别深入探讨分析了以上诸多因素对岩石边坡稳定性的影响,并得出了安全系数的分布规律。最后分析了岩体孔隙水充盈率以及锚固措施对安全系数的影响,得出了排水措施和锚固方法对增强岩石边坡的稳定性效果都比较显著。 [关键词]:岩石边坡 滑动破坏 倾倒破坏 蒙托卡罗数值模拟 Stochastic Numerical Simulation of Rock Slope Stability in Qinba Mountain Area [Abstract]:The study of slope stability has been an important part of geotechnical engineering. Because of the significant uncertainty of factors which affect the slope stability, the traditional safety factor has been unable to indicate the possibility of the occurrence of slope failure. Based on this, the paper discusses the Monte Carlo Method in Rock Slope stability evaluation, investigates the landslide in Tianming Town,Chenggu Country of Hanzhong City. And then the indoor physical test of the sand samples from the rock fissures was conducted in order to obtain the basic parameters for both calculations and simulations. Using the Mothe Carlo method, different factors which influence the slope stability has been simulated, the main contents are as follows: (1)This paper describes the great harm on people’s lives, and the current research status of the rock slope stability. Also the shortcomings of the current research has been pointed out in this paper. (2 The Monte Carlo method in the landslide stability analysis has been introduced, and also the basic principles and the advantages of the approach has been analyzed. (3)The landslide in Tianming Town, Chenggu Country of Hanzhong City


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