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American Movies Hollywoods history The name of Hollywood had already existented long before it became synonymous(代名词) to be a movie powerhouse.In fact ,Hollywood was not what it was not for a small troop (队伍)of actors that ventured into (进军)it until in 1910.The place was a small village just in the north of LosAneles.The first movie was filmed In Old California.After rumors(传闻)spread out that California was such a great place to shoot movies ,directors from all over America which began to bring their projects out west into Hollywood.This is how the American Movie Industry was born. Hollywood s film company 1*米高梅电影公司(Metro Golden Mayer,简称MGM) The company was officially established in 1924, the companys name is formed by three founder s last name ( Mitt - Goldwyn - Meyer ) , the Chinese translation is 米高梅 . MGM has taken one of the most classic films in film history , Gone with the Wind 飘 ,created a enduring classic screen 007 , created immortal cartoon Tom and Jerry 猫和老鼠. Founded the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences , and launched an Academy Award ( Oscar ) 2*派拉蒙影业公司(Paramount Picyures ,Inc.) In the creation of the first thirty years , the company with a number of stars produced high-quality movies and theater chains across the United States which has been sitting on the throne of Hollywood hegemony. This company has produced The Godfather 教父 Saturday Night Fever 周末夜狂欢, Indiana Jones夺宝奇兵 and Forrest Gump阿甘正传 that was so popular and critically acclaimed movies 3*哥伦比亚三星电影集团公司(columbia tristar motion picture group ) Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group,is a Sony Pictures Entertainment film sales company ,which is consisted of Sony Pictures ( USA) Inc. and Columbia TriStar two subsidiaries of international film distribution company ,and responsible for


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