国际商法 代理法概述.ppt

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国际商法 代理法概述.ppt

Lecture Two Agency law Content 1. Definition(定义) Agency: An agency will arise where one person (the principal) authorises another person (the agent) to perform certain legal acts on behalf of the principal which will create contractual relationships between the principal and a third party. 代理是指代理人根据本人(委托人)的授权,代表本人同第三人订立合同或从事其他法律行为,由此产生的权利义务对本人发生效力的一项法律制度。 1. Definition(定义) Principal: A person who gives authority to another to act as his/her representative. Agency: A person who with authority to act on behalf of the principal to create contractual relationships between the principal and a third party. Third party: A person with whom an agent deals on a principal’s behalf. Agency law: governs relationships:(1) the relationship between principals and agents;(2) the relationship between agents and third parties; (3) the relationship between principals and third parties. Content 2. Creation of agency(代理的产生) An agency relationship will be created where principal gives agent the authority to act on the principal’s behalf. Authority may be arise in a number of ways:(1) actual authority (express or implied); (2) apparent or ostensible authority; (3)ratification. 2. Creation of agency(代理的产生) (1) express actual authority(明示的实际授权) 本人对代理人的实际授权可以通过口头或书面指示的方式进行,例如劳动合同(employment contract)、公司董事会决议(resolution of board of directors)、咨询备忘录(advisory memorandum)以及授权委托书(power of attorney)等。代理人的权限范围明确规定在指示之中。 2. Creation of agency(代理的产生) (2) implied actual authority(默示的实际授权) Implied actual authority is implied from the conduct of parties and the circumstances. 默示的实际授权产生于当事人的行为及客观情况。 Course of conduct(行为默示代理):由本人与代理人之间的行为,以及通常的商业习惯和惯例而推定出的授权。 2. Creation of agency(代理的产生) Agency of emergencies(紧急代理):当某人受委托照管他人的财产,为了保护该财产利益而必须采取某种行动时而产生的代理权限。在这种情况下,虽然受委托管理财产的人并没有得到委托人关于采取此种行动的明示授权,但由于客观情况的需要推定其具有此种授权。此种默示授权的产生需要具备以下条件:①Agents must have responsibility for another’s property under a pre-existing agreements; ②There must be an emergency in connection with that prop


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