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并联机器人机械手设计 摘 要 二自由度并联机器人是并联机器人的一个研究分支,一般研究其运动学、动力学、奇异性、和工作空间,以及研究并联机器人机构的运动控制。本文研究一种新型的二自由度并联机器人,对其机械机构及相应的运动控制进行研究。 首先设计了一个新型的二自由度并联机器人机构,该二自由度并联机器人采用平行四边形结构限制了其末端产生的旋转运动,使工作台保持始终垂直向下。求解了该二自由度并联机构的运动学正逆解,输入与输出的速度关系,对工作空间进行了分析,并提出了该机器人的运动轨迹规划的基本原理。 为了实现该二自由度并联机器人的运动控制,设计了该并联机器人控制系统的硬件和软件。根据现有的 DSP2812 运动控制板和安川伺服驱动单元,设计了专门的伺服转接板,该转接板将控制板发送出的指令信号、脉冲、模拟电压等信号送到伺服驱动器控制电机,达到控制并联机器人运动的目的;软件方面设计了人机界面程序,PWM 波程序,D/A 程序,以及伺服电机的M/T 控制算法程序。 利用直线和圆周轨迹规划的方法,设计了该并联机器人的电机控制实验,将实验中采集到数据导入到 MATLAB 环境中进行仿真,仿真结果出来的轨迹与预设轨迹大体相同,表明基本完成了该二自由度并联机器人的运动控制。 关键词:二自由度并联机器人,运动控制,轨迹规划 Automatic Crawl Robot Parallel Manipulator Design Abstract 2-degree of freedom (2-DOF) parallel robots are one of the research branches of parallel robots. Many efforts have been made on their kinematics, dynamics, singularity, and workspace analysis, as well as their motion control. In this paper, a new parallel robotic mechanism with 2-DOF is designed, and deep research works are made on its mechanism structure and motion control. First, the mechanism stucture of the 2-DOF parallel robotic is designed. A parallelogram structure is used to constraint the rotation, so that the end of the 2-DOF parallel robot is kept to be horizontal. Four topics are analysed in detail, they are the forward and inverse kinematics, the input and output speed relationships, the work space of the 2-DOF parallel mechanism, and the theoretical principle of trajectory planning for the 2-DOF parallel robot. In order to achieve the 2-DOF parallel robot motion control, both the hardware and the software of the control system are designed. A print circuit board (PCB)-based adapter is designed to connect the DSP2812 motion control card and the Yaskawa servo drive unit. The adapter transfers the signals, pulse, analog voltage signals from the motion control card to the servo drive unit to control the motors operation. The programes of the software are also developed, which include the programe of hum


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