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Since 1999, he has been a volunteer teacher in a village there. During teaching in China, he finds that Chinese parents always pay attention to their children’s grades, but ignore their natures and interests. In his opinion, if a person lives only for others’ ideas, he will never find the direction and power of himself. 第一节:基础写作 你校将在假期组织部分学生赴英国学习。作为该项目的负责人,你需负责将两位赴英学生的情况介绍给英方家庭。 [写作内容] 请根据以下表格内容,写信给英方家庭介绍这两位学生的情况。信的开头和结尾已给出。 多交朋友,提高英语水平 多了解英国的历史文化 期望 沟通困难 饮食不习惯 担心的问题 与李华一样 体育活动、阅读、听音乐 爱好 待人友善;有点害羞 开朗、乐观 特点 陈伟 李华 姓名 Some problems: 整合句子的能力弱,出现多句现象。 基础知识不扎实 1) 冠词使用错误: a optimistic boy 2)动词使用错误: They are like sports. 3) 时态和主谓一致的错误: Li Hua, an optimistic boy, like sports, reading and listening to music. an s 4) 单词、短语使用错误 worry vt.困扰 +n. / pron. Don’t worry me, I’m very busy. worry vi. 焦虑 + about / over Don’t worry about / over it. worried adj. 烦恼的;担心的 He has a worried look. be worried about She seems very worried about her mother’s health. look forward to doing adjust to have difficulty in doing sth 3.书写不够整洁 Useful words and expressions 开朗、乐观 待人友善、有点害羞 与……一样 在……有困难 the same as kind; friendly; a little shy open-minded and optimistic have difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth * 基础写作 ---人物描写 easy - going (易相处的) cautious (谨慎的) diligent (勤奋的) independent (独立的) determined (有志向的) honest (诚实的) forgettable (健忘的) ambitious (雄心的) intelligent (聪明的) warm-hearted 热心肠的) energetic (精力充沛) generous (慷慨的) humorous (幽默的) pessimistic (悲观的) optimistic (乐观的) enthusiastic(热情的) bad- tempered (脾气不好的) outstanding (杰出的) considerate (考虑周到的) modest (谦虚的) strict (严格的) patient (耐心的) attractive (有吸引力的) healthy (健康的) 人物简介的写作步骤(概,貌,育,平,估) 1)age, sex, birth-place, background 2)appearance ,character 3)education 4)big events in his or her life ( in order of time )( 生平 ) 5)evaluation(评估 ) 语法,句法高分tips A. 概况 (尽量用同位语结构,使文章 简洁,通顺) 如; 1) Profess or Roger D. Kornberg, a 59-year-old American, is the winner of


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