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摘 要 随着嵌入式技术在智能手机、PDA等手持终端设备的应用越来越广泛,触摸屏作为一种终端输入设备,具有节省空间、操作简单、反应速度快等优点,非常适用作手持终端等嵌入式系统的输入设备。 S3C2410是一款具有ARM920T内核的16/32位微处理器。作为新一代嵌入式平台的核心,ARM9采用5级流水线,使用大量寄存器,并支持协处理器和片上调试,以指令执行速度快,寻址方式灵活简单,执行效率高为优势,在工业控制、无线通讯、消费类电子产品、成像和安全产品等各个领域得到了广泛的应用。嵌入式Linux是在开放源代码Linux的基础上发展起来的,内核精简,内存管理功能强大,支持多任务,以设备驱动程序的方式提供统一的外设接口。因此Linux是嵌入式操作系统的最佳选择。 Qt/Embedded是一个专门为嵌入式系统提供图形界面的用户系统,提供了丰富的窗口小部件,支持窗口部件的定制,而且内存消耗少。 本文介绍了基于S3C2410处理器平台,以嵌入式Linux 操作系统和Qt/Embedded为接口的LCD触摸屏操作界面的设计。该方案可运用于高档汽车GPS巡航系统、工程机械安全仪表和电能质量监测仪等实际工程应用中。 关键词: 触摸屏;嵌入式Linux;ARM;Qtopia移植 Title Realization of the Hand-hold Terminals’ Touch Screen based on the S3C2410 Processor Abstract With the application of embedded technology in smart phones, PDA and other hand-hold terminal equipments is increasingly extensive. As an input device of terminal equipment, the Touch screen has the advantages of space saving, simple operation, fast response, is very suitable as the input equipment of the hand-hold terminals and other embedded systems. S3C2410 is one 16/32-bit microprocessor with ARM920T core. As the core of the new generation of the embedded platform, ARM9 uses 5 levels of assembly lines and massive registers, supporting the cooperated processor and debugging online, has the advantage of carries out the instruction quickly and efficiently. It is widely applied in the industry control, the wireless communication, the expense class electronic products, the imagery and the security product and so on. The embedded Linux developed from the open source code Linux, It has simply core and the function of strongly managing the memory, support the multi-duties. It provides the general interface in the way of device drivers. Therefore the Embedded Linux was considered as one of the most superior choices in the current embedded operating systems. Qt/Embedded is the system that provides the graphical user interface special used in the embedded system. It integrates


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