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90W开关电源的设计 摘 要 本课题是设计一个两路输出的反激式开关电源。220V交流电压经整流电路及滤波电路整流滤波后,变成含有一定脉动成份的直流电压,该电压通过功率转换电路进入高频变换器被转换成所需电压值的方波,最后再将这个方波电压经整流滤波变为所需要的直流电压。采用全控型电力电子器件MOSFET作为开关,通过控制开关的导通时间来调节稳定输出电压,主控制芯片采用UC3844实现电压电流双闭环控制,采用PC817、TL431等专用芯片以及其他的电路元件相配合作为光耦隔离反馈电路,使设计出的开关电源具有自动稳压及过载保护功能。系统工作频率为52kHz,输出2路隔离的电压。本设计将使用saber对电路结构经行仿真对设计参数进行验证。 关键词:开关电源;反激式变换器;高频变压器;UC3844;saber Abstract This paper is to design a flyback SMPS that owns two lines of output. After rectification and smoothing, 220V alternating voltage will turn into direct voltage containing certain components of pulsation. That voltage passes power conversion circuit into high-frequency converter and is converted into square wave of needed voltage value. Finally this square wave voltage will be rectified and smoothed into direct voltage which is in need. The SMPS this paper designs adopts full controlled power electronic device-MOSFET as switcher and adjusts stable output voltage by controlling the switcher’s turn-on time. The main controlling chip of the SMPS chooses UC3844 to realize dual closed-loop control of voltage and current. Thanks to the adoption of PC 817 and TL431 etc dedicated chips and other matched circuit components as optical coupling isolation feedback circuit, this SMPS will be also in possession of functions of automatic voltage regulation and overload protection. Operating frequency of this system is 52 kHz and this system outputs voltages of the two isolated lines. This design will adopt saber to test and verify design parameter through emulating the configuration of circuits. Key words: SMPS;Flyback Converter;High-frequency Converter;UC3844;saber 第一章 引 言 1 1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1 1.2 DC_DC变换器主回路使用的元件及其特性 2 1.2.1 开关 2 1.2.2 电感 2 1.2.3 电容 3 1.3 开关电源的技术动态 4 1.4 本课题的主要研究内容 4 1.4.1 开关电源的种类选择 4 1.5反馈电路的基本类型与选择 10 2.1 开关电源的基本原理 13 2.2 开关电源的组成 13 2.3 单端反激式拓扑分析 14 2.3.1 DC-DC主回路拓扑结构 14 2.3.2 工作原理 15 2.3.3 基本关系式 18 第三章 系统设计 20 3.1 技术指标 20 3.2硬件结构设计 20 3.2.1 UC3842/3/4/5系列电流模式PWMIC 20 3.2.2引脚接线 23 3.3 关键元器件的选择与设计


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