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Grape Cultivation The classification of grape in botany belongs to Vitaceae of Vitis. It is one of the fruit trees that has the longest cultivation history and widely distributed. The production of grape takes one third of the production of fruits worldwide. Grape can be eaten directly as fresh fruit, also can be used to produce wine, since it is nourishing, with quick production and high adaptability, it has been widely planted in China. 1、Seedling There are two kinds of grape seedling for transplanting: self rooted and grafted. The regeneration capacity of grape vine is strong; the wound between each knot can easily generate roots. Usually self rooted seedlings were widely used, such as pruning or cover the stem with soil for rooting. Grafted seedlings could strengthen the resistance to improve the variety. 2、Planting Grape has strong adaptability on different soil, but it likes sand more, so it is important to prepare the planting trench and place manure before planting. The planting trench is normally 100 centimeters wide, 80 centimeters deep. Placing 4000kg manure to every 667 square meters. The planting space is different according to the staking way, commonly 200-250 plants for 667 square meters. The best time to transplant the seedlings is autumn which is the last 10 days of November, and spring which is the first ten days of February before the seedling germination proved effective. 3、Staking style There are kinds of staking styles, usually used are: 3.1Fence-like The advantages are easy to manage, suitable for close space planting, early and high yielding, and convenient to update. 3.2Shed-like The advantages are high photosynthetic efficiency and good for standard management. 4、Management of soil, manure and water 4.1Soil management 4.1.1Deep rotovate The aim of deep rotovate is to improve soil permeability, to accelerate organic humification and decomposition speed, to promote growth of roots. Deep rotovate includes autumn rotovate and winter


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