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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Basic Requirements of Toxicity Evaluation ? Subchronic 90-Day Feeding Study Rodent (Rat, Mouse)) Non-rodent (Dog) Dermal (Depending on Use Pattern) Inhalation Neurotoxicity VPHY8300/Spring 04 Basic Requirements of Toxicity Evaluation ? Chronic One- or Two-year Oral Study Rodent (Usually Rat) Non-rodent (Dog) Life-time Oncogenicity Study Reproductive Multi-generation (Rat, Mouse), Fertility, Reproduction Teratogenicity (Rat, Mouse, Rabbit) In-Vitro Mutagenicity and Mechanistic Studies VPHY8300/Spring 04 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * REDUCE TOXICITY Reduced Use Engineering Controls REDUCE EXPOSURE Product Selection Safe Work Habits PPE Use Units of Measurement: parts per million = milligrams per kilogram ( mg / kg ) 1 oz of sand in 31 tons of cement 1 square foot in 23 acres 1 minute in 695 days parts per billion = micrograms per kilogram (??g / kg ) 1 square foot in 36 square miles 1 pinch of salt in 10 tons of potato chips 1 inch in a 160,000 mile trip parts per trillion = nanograms per kilogram ( ng / kg ) 1 square inch in 250 square miles 1 second in 320 centuries or 11,574,074 days 1 postage stamp in an area the size of Texas Synergist / Synergism: Synergism is increased activity (toxicity) resulting from the effect of one chemical on another. LD50 DDT = 250 mg/kg LD50 synergist = 1,000 mg/kg LD50 DDT + synergist = 50 mg/kg Hazard Data - Chemicals Produced 1 Million Pounds/Year 7% Full* Set of Basic Toxicity Tests: * Doesn’t Include Tests of Neurodevelopmental Effects 第二是从农药标签看不出接触到的是什么东西。所谓的惰性成分使用者、经销商、医生不知是什么,中毒后无从下手。 农药制造商可以除活性成分外定义任何东西为惰性成分( ‘inert’ ingredient), 并作为商业秘密受保护. 所谓惰性并不意味着生物学上无害; 而惰性成分可以包括像甲苯和苯这类已知的人类致癌物 在农药制剂中惰性成分的含量是非常高的。甚至完整的农药剂型都没有进行试验。 第三是农药标签没有表明没有严重的接触风险


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