计算机网络安全策略 毕业论文.doc

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计算机网络安全策略 摘 要 随着政府上网、海关上网、电子商务、网上娱乐等一系列网络应用的蓬勃发展,Internet正在越来越多地离开原来单纯的学术环境,融入到社会的各个方面。一方面,网络用户成分越来越多样化,出于各种目的的网络入侵和攻击越来越频繁;另一方面,网络应用越来越深地渗透到金融、商务、国防等等关键要害领域。换言之,Internet网的安全,包括其上的信息数据安全和网络设备服务的运行安全,日益成为与国家、政府、企业、个人的利益休戚相关的"大事情"。安全保障能力是新世纪一个国家综合国力、经济竞争实力和生存能力的重要组成部分。不夸张地说,它在下个世纪里完全可以与核武器对一个国家的重要性相提并论。这个问题解决不好将全方位地危及我国的政治、军事、经济、文化、社会生活的各个方本文分析了当前网络安全工作对于国家安全和经济建设的重要意义、它所面临的种种威胁、网络安全体系之所以失败的原因,然后通过分析网络安全技术的最新发展,给出了一个较为完备的安全体系可以采用的各种加强手段,包括防火墙、加密与认证、网络安全扫描、入侵检测等技术。本文提出制定适当的、完备的网络安全策略是实现网络安全的前提,高水平的网络安全技术队伍是安全的保证,严格的管理实施则是关键关键词:计算机网络? 网络安全? 防火墙? 病毒? 对策bstract With the government on-line, Customs Internet, e-commerce, entertainment and a series of rapid development of network applications, Internet is increasingly leaving the original purely academic environment into all aspects of society. On the one hand, Internet users are increasingly diverse composition, for various purposes of network intrusion and attacks become more frequent; the other hand, network applications to penetrate deeper into the financial, business, the key to vital areas of national defense, etc. . In other words, Internet network security, including information on data security and safe operation of network equipment service, becoming the State, government, business, personal stake in the interests of "big things." Security capabilities of the new century a country's comprehensive national strength, economic competitiveness and viability of an important part. No exaggeration to say that it is entirely possible the next century, a country with nuclear weapons, the importance of par. Round this problem resolved, they will endanger the country's political, military, economic, cultural and social life in all aspects, this article analyzes the current network security for national security and economic development of the significance of the threats it faces , the reason why network security system failure, then by analyzing the latest developments in network security technology, gives a more complete se


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