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Australia immigration.doc

澳大利亚移民政策研究 Research on the Policy of Immigration in Australia 摘要 大约50000年前,原始人开始移民到大陆,这也是澳大利亚移民史开端。作为一个传统的移民国家,移民是形成当代澳大利亚文化的最基本的动力之一。尽管在二十世纪初期的澳大利亚实行移民限制政策,但在第二次世界大战后,澳大利亚开始接纳来自对全世界的移民者。本文将介绍移民的概念,阐述澳大利亚移民政策在20年代的历史渊源与发展,并将分析20世纪90年代澳大利亚移民的问题及特点。本文还将介绍澳大利亚移民政策在21世纪的新发展。文章的最后一部分是结论及研究展望。这篇文章旨在研究澳大利亚的移民政策,以研究澳大利亚移民政策发展为主线,将理论、政策与现实状况相结合来进行分析研究。 Abstract The immigration history of Australia began with the initial human migration to the continent around 50,000 years ago. And as a traditional country composed of emigrants, immigration is one of the primary forces that has shaped contemporary Australian culture. Although acting the White Australia Policy in the early 20th century, after World War II, Australia began to open its doors to many migrants from all over the world. This paper will introduce the concept of immigration and focus on Australian immigration policy’s origin and development in the 20th century, especially the problem and characteristics in the 1990s. It will also introduce the policy’s feature in the 21st century with much development from the last century. The last part will show a conclusion and prospects.This paper aims at researching the policy of immigration in Australia. It analyses the Australian immigration policy development and characteristics based on theory, policy and reality three parts. Key words: immigration; immigration policy; Australia 关键词:移民;移民政策;澳大利亚 Introduction 1.1Research background Since the 1990s, with the amount of the population migration increasing within the international scope, international migration research has become hot. The development of economic globalization and the global competition for talent caused the international population migration to present many distinctive characteristics. One the most prominent characteristic is that skilled immigration wins much favor of people almost all the world. 1.2 significance of the research As a traditional country composed of emigrants, the immigration policy plays a highl


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