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论文题目 生产线上运输升降机的自动化设计 学生姓名 付晓鹏 学 号 130608040103 入学时间 2013年9月   所学专业 13级电气自动化 指导老师 王林   生产线上运输升降机的自动化设计 摘 要 本设计基于应用西门子S7-200PLC和西门子MM420变频器组成的升降机控制和驱动系统,可以完成对升降机自动运行的智能化控制和管理,可以根据生产线的实际生产需要和具体工艺要求自动调整升降方向和速度快慢。也可以在变频器发生故障时自动将发生故障的电机切换到工频状态应急工作。 论文分析了运输升降机机械系统,自动控制系统的组成和工作原理,并根据设计的主次方面,详细阐述了运输升降机的各个关节的高端控制的实现方法。 本设计的整个系统自动化程度高,应用范围广,可以在多个行业与国内外各型生产线配套使用。 关键词:自动控制系统;变频驱动系统;输送带;光电传感器;编码器;变频器 Automatic Transport lifts Design on Automatic production line Abstract The design is based on application of Siemens S7-200 PLC and MM420 converter comprising Siemens lift control and drive systems, can be completed on the lift and operation of intelligent control and management may be based on the actual production line production needs and specific requirements of automatic adjustment take-off and landing direction and speed the pace. Inverters can also automatically event of the failure of the faulty electrical switch to the state of emergency frequency. Papers of mechanical lift transport system, automatic control system and the working principles, and in accordance with the design sequence, elaborated on the various transport lifts in the high-end joint control of the method. The design of the whole system a high degree of automation, wide application, in many industries and various types of production lines at home and abroad supporting use. Key words: Automatic Control System ;Variable frequency drive system ; Conveyor belt ;Photoelectric sensor ;Encoder ;Inverters 目 录 第一章 引言................................................................1 1.1 可编程序控制器的特点及应用.........................................1 1.2 如何选购PLC产品...................................................2 1.3 输入回路的选择特点.................................................3 1.4 输出回路的选择特点.............................


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