求恩医院门诊楼结构设计 毕业设计计算书.docx

求恩医院门诊楼结构设计 毕业设计计算书.docx

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青 岛 工 学 院 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 求恩医院门诊楼结构设计 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 学 院 建筑工程学院 专 业 土木工程 年级 2010级 答辩日期 2014 年 6 月 8 日 青 岛 工 学 院  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 摘 要 本设计为医院门诊楼的结构设计。其中建筑设计部分为已知条件,建筑层数为5层,总高度20.25,建筑面积大约6000,抗震等级为三级,建筑整体为钢筋混土框架结构。 结合建筑部分,考虑风荷载、雪荷载及地震作用对建筑的影响。本设计采用钢筋混凝土现浇式框架结构,在进行荷载计算和构件截面估算后,选取一榀框架进行计算,竖向荷载作用下用弯矩分配法计算出内力,横向荷载作用下用D值法计算出内力,并对最不利活荷载和最不利内力进行组合分析,从而进行配筋计算。楼盖采用肋梁楼盖,在进行楼盖配筋计算时按双向板弹性理论的内力计算。基础类型选用柱下独立基础。在设计中始终贯彻安全、适用、耐久的原则。 关键词:结构设计;框架结构;抗震设计;内力计算 Abstract This design is about the structural design of the hospital outpatient building. There are several known conditions about the building design, as follows. The five-storey building is twenty point two five meters tall, which occupies about six thousand square meters and has a third class of seismic measure. Additionally, the whole architecture is a reinforced concrete frame structure. As for the part of building, taking the influence of the wind load, the snow load and the earthquake, this design chooses the cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure. According to the calculation of the load and the estimation of the component’s section, one can select a structure and calculate its internal force by means of the Distribution Method and the D value method and make a combinatory analysis of the ultimately limited load and the most dangerous internal force. In this way, the reinforcement computation is being figured up. Moreover, the floor has a ribbed beam. And one may use the theory of elasticity about two-way slab during the calculation of slab reinforcement. The author chooses the independent under-post foundation as the base type. On the whole, the design follows the principle of safety, application and durability. Key words: structural design; frame structure; anti-seismic design; internal force calculation 目 录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc388020091 1 工程概况  PAGEREF _Toc388020091 \h 1  HYPER


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