高二英语词汇大赛 附答案.docVIP

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高二英语词汇大赛 一.单词辨析(每题1分) 1.The worker was so _____ in his work that he didn’t notice she came into the room. A. absorbed B. abandoned C. focused D. centered 2.He _______ himself on having survived the car accident. A. celebrated B. congratulated C. welcomed D. memorized 3.We never ______ that John would become a doctor. respected B. wondered C. suspected D. estimated 4.The findings of the scientific research may _____ that there is a connection between drinking coffee and health. analyze B. support C. judge D. indicate 5.It would have made a lot of ______if you told me this two days earlier. A. effect B. result C. outcome D. difference 6.The ______of the pain can be easily achieved but the disease can be hardly cured. relief B. relaxation C. release D. ease 7. --Does that make any_____? --Yes, it matters a great deal. A.sense B. money C. difference D. trouble 8._ $ 500 , but this my last offer. _ OK, it is a ______________. cost B. price C. reward D. deal 9.If you are looking for somewhere to rent, I think there’s a(n)_____ apartment in my building. empty B. vacant C. hollow D. bare 10.I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into ____ when judging my examination. A. regard B. account C. thought D. observation 11.It’s important to understand people from different _________. basis B. blocks C. behaviors D. backgrounds 12.I’d like to take _______ of this opportunity to thank you all for your cooperation. profit B. benefit C. advantage D. interests 13.Many people ask the government to make laws to ______ smoking in public places. ban B. benefit C. limit D. permit 14.I wrote him a letter to show my ______of his thoughtfulness. A. achievement B. agreement C. attention D. appreciation 15.The troops was ______ with the most advanced weapons. armed B. sold C. offered D. afforded 16.I remember her face but I cannot _____ where I met her. ?? A. recall??? B. remind??? C. remember??? D. remark 17.It was reported that


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