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分析影响城市污水处理系统的 Water is we human beings have in common, and limited resources. Part of water in the atmosphere as rain fall to the surface, evaporation or seep into the ground, while most discharged into rivers flow to the sea, again through the river, sea, river, lake, returns to the atmosphere, form a complete nature water cycle system. In the process of the cycle, water contamination, are used by the human and the contaminated water purified only after processing, to return to nature, water cycle system. As a result, the role of the sewage treatment is very important, is to protect the water environment, the human to provide a comfortable life space and as the effective utilization of resources necessary and indispensable important segment. 1城市污水处理工程设计中的关键问题 1. The key issues in urban sewage treatment engineering design 1.1污水管网设计 1.1 sewage pipe network design 城市污水管网担负着城市污水的收集和输送,是连接污水产生源和污水处理厂的重要的、不可缺少的环节。一般说,凡在新建市、区或扩建新区建设污水处理工程时,宜采用分流制;在已建成合流制排水系统的旧城区、小城镇等,宜将原合流制直泄式排水系统改造成截流式合流系统;在雨量稀少地区,如我国西北的部分地区或者边远小城镇,由于污水处理规模小,街道狭窄,两侧建筑密集,施工复杂,无条件修建分流制排水系统,也可考虑采用合流制排水系统。值得注意的是,当截流倍数较大时,旱季和雨季污水量相差较大,污水处理厂的进水水量及水质都随之发生相应波动,造成冲击负荷,因此在污水处理厂工艺流程设计和设计参数选择时应对该水量、水质变化进行必要的分析和校核,保证处理厂出水稳定达标。 Urban sewage pipe network for the urban sewage collection and transmission, is connected to the sewage source and the sewage treatment plant of the important and indispensable link. Generally said, all in the new city, area or expansion of the new city construction wastewater treatment engineering, appropriate USES separate system; In confluence drainage system of the old, small towns have been completed, such as the confluence system direct drainage drainage system should be transformed into intercepting confluence system; In low rainfall areas, such as parts of northwestern China or remote towns, because of the small scale of sewage treatment, narrow streets, buildings on both sides, construction is complex, unconditional to build separate system drainage system, drainage system also can c


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