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05.2009 VSQ/TT TT-055-0905 车轮和轮胎 Contents 轮胎的作用 轮胎设计 结构部件 轮胎特性 轮胎/路面的滚动嘈声 轮胎标记 轮胎宽度 轮胎标记 扁平率 轮胎标记 轮胎类型 轮胎标记 轮胎内部直径 轮胎标记 承载参数 轮胎标记 速度标记 轮胎标记 滚动方向标示 轮胎标记 无内胎标示 轮胎标记 最大压力/最大载荷 轮胎标记 DOT : “Department of Transportation”(即‘‘美国交通部”)的缩写。 轮胎标记 DOT 数字 轮胎标记 E 标记 轮胎标记 冬季轮胎标记 轮胎标记 TREADWEAR – 轮胎寿命 轮胎标记 TRACTION: 湿滑路面附着力评估 轮胎标记 TEMPERATURE: 温度稳定性评估 轮胎标记 铸模号 轮胎标记 TWI 轮胎磨损标记 轮毂 外形 轮毂 轮毂标记 橡胶阀 外形 Thank you Construction of the carcass: Diagonal or radial tyres R indicates a radial structure of the tyre carcass. – indicates a diagonal structure of the tyre carcass. The load index (LI) indicates the maximum permissible load on a vehicle tyre in kilogrammes. The load index is shown on the tyre and the maximum permissible load in kilogrammes per tyre can be determined with the help of a table. A tyre with a higher value may be used instead of a tyre with a lower value. The maximum permissible speed for a tyre is indicated by its speed symbol (GSY). The speed index or speed class indicates the maximum permitted speed for a tyre. It is the last digit in the tyre designation and can be read from the side of the tyre. The maximum speed is the speed up to which the manufacturer can guarantee problem-free continuous operation at the correct tyre pressure. Beyond this, there is a risk that the tread could separate from the carcass. Example: Y speed index Y = up to 300 km/h 100 % load bearing capacity at 270 km/h 85 % load bearing capacity at 300 km/h 358 Date of manufacture = 35 Production week 8 Production year (1990–1999) 35th week of 1998 0200 Date of manufacture = 02 Production week 00 Production year (January 2000 onwards) 2nd week of 2000 Since February 2005, all newly licensed vehicles must be equipped with tyres that meet these requirements. From October 2009, all tyres sold on the market must fulfil these requirements. The introduction of this requirement will be stagger 01.10.2009 passenger vehicle tyres = 185 mm wide 01.10.2010 passenger vehicle tyres = 195–215 mm wide 01


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