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25岁美女发明家打造最强无线充电器?? 2015-01-24 10:32:14|??分类:?english 阅读|字号?订阅 Meredith Perry?is tired of?wires. The 25-year-old was still an?undergrad本科生?at the University of Pennsylvania when she built the first model of her?wireless charging system?无线充电系统 and?demonstrated证明??it at the All Things Digital?conference会议??in 2011. (“It was basically like?two toaster烤面包机-sized boxes?两个烤箱相距两英尺远that were?two feet apart, and we showed that you could?beam发出光和热??a certain amount of power over that distance with?ultrasound超声,我们可以通过超声波将电能跨越过那段距离输送过去” she says.) Its name? uBeam Now a company in its own right, uBeam says it has a working?prototype原型and could have a product on store shelves within two years. There are other wireless charging systems already out there—Qi, for example, charges your phoneas long as?只要 it sits on or?inches?英寸 away from a small base只要将手机放在一个小的基座上,或者离他几英寸远 —but Perry believes uBeam’s technology?is superior to all competitors比所有的竞争者都要先进.?As part of the Shape the Future package in the January 2015 issue of Fortune作为2015年1月《财富》杂志“塑造未来”系列文章组成部分, Perry, who lives in Los Angeles, sat down for a long conversation by phone about how she created uBeam and her vision of other future technologies. What follows is an edited?transcript.抄本 ? Fortune:?Let’s go to a few years ago?when you were first beginning to work on uBeam.?What was the invention process like发明过程是怎样的? Meredith Perry: To create something really new is extremely difficult, because there’s no?protocol.原型??I can’t Google it online and find, “These are the steps that need to be taken,” or, “When somebody created something similar, these are the questions they asked, these are the people they talked to, and these are the materials they used.” Sometimes you have to create your own materials, your own design, your own manufacturing process. You have to create your own?shipping?航运materials that can cover the parts that you built. And we were building all of thesetiny?微小的 little devices by hand. We?3-D-printed tools?that w


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