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The best of Sherlock Holmes I.Arthur Conan Doyle Arthur Conan Doyle was born on May 22, 1859, in Edinburgh, Scotland. The Doyles were a prosperous Irish-Catholic family, who had a prominent position in the world of Art. Charles Altamont Doyle, Arthurs father, a chronic alcoholic, was the only member of his family, who apart from fathering a brilliant son, never accomplished anything of note. At the age of twenty-two, Charles had married Mary Foley, a vivacious and very well educated young woman of seventeen. Family tradition would have dictated the pursuit of an artistic career, yet Arthur decided to follow a medical one. This decision was influenced by Dr. Bryan Charles Waller, a young lodger his mother had taken-in to make ends meet. Dr. Waller had trained in the University of Edinburgh and that is where Arthur was sent to carry out his medical studies. A couple of years into his studies, Arthur decided to try his pen at writing a short story. Although the result called The Mystery of Sasassa Valley was very evocative of the works of Edgar Alan Poe and Bret Harte, his favorite authors at the time, it was accepted in an Edinburgh magazine called Chambers Journal, which had published Thomas Hardys first work. II.Inspiration for the character of Holmes Doyle said that the character of Sherlock Holmes was inspired by Dr. Joseph Bell, for whom Doyle had worked as a clerk at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Like Holmes, Bell was noted for drawing large conclusions from the smallest observations. All these qualities were later to be found in the persona of the celebrated detective Sherlock Holmes. However, some years later Bell wrote in a letter to Conan Doyle: you are yourself Sherlock Holmes and well you know it. III.Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective created by author and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A London-based consulting detective whose abilities border on the fantastic, Holmes is famous for his astute logical reasoning, his ab


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