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七印部落 译制史蒂夫 乔布斯:遗失的访谈Steve Jobs: The lost interview[00:27]我是Bob CringelyI’m Bob Cringely,16年前(1995年)我制作《书呆子的胜利》时采访了乔布斯16 years ago when I was making my television series Triumph of the Nerds, I interviewed Steve Jobs.1985年乔布斯被他自己引荐的CEO John Sculley排挤出苹果That was in 1995, 10 years earlier Steve had left Apple, following a bruising struggle with John Sculley, the CEO he had brought into the company.接受釆访时,乔布斯正在经营他创办的NeXT公司At the time of our interview, Steve was running NeXT, the niche computer company he founded after leaving Apple.18个月后苹果收购NeXT,半年后乔布斯重新掌管苹果Little did we know was within 18 months he would sell NeXT to Apple, and 6 month later he'd be running the place.[00:59]当年的节目只用了一小段采访The way things work in television we use only a part of that interview in the series.九十年代末采访母带从伦敦运往美国途中遗失And for years we thought the interview was lost for forever多年来我们一直以为再也看不到完整的采访because the master tape were missing while being shipped from London to US in the 1990s.然而几天前导演Paul Sen在车库里发现了一份VHS拷贝Then just a few days ago, series director Paul Sen found a VHS copy of that interview in his garage.乔布斯生前很少接受电视采访,如此精彩的访谈更是罕见There are very few TV interviews with Steve Jobs and almost no good ones.它记录了乔布斯的坦率,非凡的魅力和独特的视野They rarely show the charisma, candor and vision that this interview does.为了向这位奇人致敬,我们几乎一刀未剪And so to honor an amazing man, here’s that interview in its entirety,大部分内容是首次公布于众Most of these has never been seen before.[01:40]Bob: 你是怎么与个人计算机结缘的?Bob: So, how did you get involved, uh, with personal computers?Steve: 我第一次见到计算机是10或11岁Steve: Well, I ran into my first computer when I was about 10 or 11. 很难回忆当年的情景,我快成老古董了 And it’s hard to remember back then but I’m, I’m an old fossil now, I’m an old fossil...大约30多年前,见过电脑的人不多So when I was 10 or 11, that was about 30 years ago and no one had ever seen a computer. 即使见到,也是在电影里To the extent they’d seen them, they’d seen them in the movies.那时电影里的计算机都是装有开盘机的大柜子,闪闪发光And they were really big boxes with whirring. For some reason they fixated it on t


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