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Amazon Tropical Rain Forest---Lung of the earth ----cut down trees---arable land to cultivate crops (rice, grains, wheat ) How to Cope with Recycle wastes: to use again Waste gases: vehicles –unleaded petrol 无铅的 fuels contains a smaller amount of lead than most fuels so that it produces less harmful substances when it burned. Greenbelt: Preserve/protect/conserve: ban/forbid People who protect/preserve the environment Environmentalist Animal rights activist动物权益保护者 Crime and Law ? Cures: ? 1.therapeutic: if you suffer from a bad back, a Massage may be able to cure or relieve the Disorder .[,θer?pju?t?k] ? Therapeutic:治疗的,疗法的 ? Massage:按摩(术);推拿 ? Relieve: v. 缓和,减轻;解除 The fund is for relieving distress among the flood victims. Disorder:n.紊乱,失调;不适,小病[C][U] She suffered from a mild stomach disorder. 混乱,无秩序[U] His room was in disorder. ? V.使紊乱,使失调;使不适 Too rich a diet will disorderyour digestive system. ?使混乱;扰乱His face flushed, and his hair was disordered. 2.diet: choose food to eat that is high in ? fiber and low in fat. ? Diet:n.饮食,食物 ? Their diet chiefly consists of grain and vegetables . ? V.进规定的饮食;忌食;节食 She is dieting to lose weight. ? standard diet 标准饮食 ? diet therapy 饮食疗法 ? full diet 普通饮食 ? mixed diet 混合膳食 ? Fiber:纤维[C] 3.protein : [ pr?uti:n] a compound which keep the human body working properly. ? Protein:蛋白质 ? protein milk 高蛋白乳 ? Compound:n.混合物;化合物;复合物 ? Proper:适合的,恰当的[+to-v][+that] He wondered whether it would be proper to knock at her door. 4.vitamins:substances which are not synthesized by the body but in food. ? Vitamin:维生素,维他命 ? Substance:n.物质 ? Ice and snow are different forms of the same substance, water. ? N. 本旨,主旨;要义;真义[U] The substance of his speech was that he was better than the other candidates. Synthesize:v.综合;合成 ? The two elements are synthesized . 5. minerals: calcium and zincare the most ? important substances in food. ? Mineral:n.矿物(Mineral water) ? adj.矿物的,矿质的 ? Those countries are rich


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