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公益诉讼论文:民事公益诉讼原告资格研究 【中文摘要】随着社会的发展,尤其是经济的飞速发展,超出法定权益范畴的新型利益(包括公共利益和私益)层出不穷。由于成文法本身的局限性,新型利益无法及时的纳入到现有法律的保护框架内,社会公益更是遭受了严重的侵害。当基于上述新型利益而产生纠纷时,尽管依据程序当事人的理念,利益主张者可作为当事人而被纳入到诉讼中来。但民事诉讼法中的“直接利害关系人原则”,则要求正当当事人应该是实体法律关系真正的权利人和义务人,在新型利益尚未得到法律确认的情况下,真正的权益主体就无法成为适格的当事人,因此,实体意义上的诉权也就无法实现。我们应当认识到,在日新月异的社会中,已经不可能期待现有的实体法能够囊括所有需要通过法律予以保护的利益。在享有诉讼利益就可以请求司法救济的情况下,不能否定某些利益主体提起司法救济的正当性。这需要通过司法实践,从而肯定当事人正当的利益主张。有鉴于此,有必要对法律中当事人适格的条件进行扩张。本文从公益诉讼的角度出发,对现代民事诉讼中的适格当事人进行论理(论证推理)。笔者将全文分为两大部分。第一部分介绍了民事公益诉讼的相关内容及理论界对现行民事诉讼法有关原告资格的规定。第二部分,笔者通过对其他国家民事公益诉讼原告资格的学习与研究,结合我国有关公益诉讼的案例,提出了在我国赋予一些主体,如检察机关、社会团体、公民个人及某些具有公共管理职权的行政主体,赋予他们原告资格的理由,分析了他们作为民事公益诉讼原告的利弊。在此基础上,考虑到社会是不断发展的,社会主体的复杂性及民事法律的前卫性、稳定性,在已有的基础之上,笔者提出了一种新的主体,希望此种主体的出现能使民事公益诉讼原告资格问题能有一个比较全面的弥补、完善。 【英文摘要】With the development of society, especially the rapid economic development, the new interest of statutory rights (including the public interest and private interest) come out one after the other. Because the statute of limitations, the new interest was not timely into the framework of existing legal protection, social welfare but also suffered serious damage. When a new benefit based on the above dispute, although the parties based on the concept of program, advocates of the interests as being incorporated into the proceedings. But in the Civil Procedure Law,”directly interested party principle “ requiring proper legal entity should be the real rights and obligations of a person of interest.When the new law has not yet been confirmed, the real interests of the principal can not be appropriate Party cells, so physical sense of the right of appeal will not be achieved. We should recognize that, in a rapidly changing society, the existing substantive law can not be expected to cover all needs of the interests to be protected by law. People who enjoyed the interest of litigation can request a judicial remedy. Under this circumstance, it can not deny the legitimacy that some of the stakeholders mentioned the judicial relief. This is done by judicia


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