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导演专业本科培养方案 (Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Directing) 一、修业年限及授予学位名称 Ⅰ、Length of Schooling and Degree 四年;文学学士 Ⅱ、Educational Objectives This specialty aims to cultivate compound high-level specialized talents for the domestic and international film culture market, who possess passion of arts and culture, good moral character, positive professionalism, both have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, the basic theory and ability to make the direction creation, but also has profound cultural deposits and rich artistic accomplishment, to adapt to a diversified and internationalised film & television industry. The graduates are supposed to be able to do the work such as film-directing, TV series-directing and theory-researching in film factories, TV stations, TV production center and some other related art departments or the colleges. 三、培养规格及要求 III、Skills Profile and Requirements 本专业学生主要学习电影、电视、表演、摄影、美术设计、制作等方面的基本理论知识并进行影视剧导演艺术专业训练,具有进行导演创作的基本能力。 要求毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 1.正确理解马克思主义文艺理论的基本观点,熟悉我国社会主义文艺方针、国家文化政策和电影电视法规; 2.具有良好的人文知识与素养,有较好的文字表述和口头表达能力; 3.系统掌握影视艺术的基础理论知识,有较强的观察和理解生活的能力,具备电影、电视剧的导演创作能力; 4.掌握一门外国语; 5.具备具有良好的心理素质和团队合作精神;具有一定的了解和分析本学科发展动态的学习与研究能力。 Students of this specialty mainly learn the basic theoretical knowledge of film, TV, acting, photography, design-art and film-production. They are given professional training on the art of film and TV direction, and they possess the basic ability to make the direction creation. The graduates are expected to gain the following abilities: 1. Understand Marxism art theories and basic viewpoints correctly, to be familiar with the literature and art of China's socialist principles, the national cultural policy,and the law of national broadcasting, TV and film. 2. Possess good humanistic knowledge and qualities, good ability of written and oral expression; 3. Master systematically the basic theories of film and television art, to have a strong ability to observe and understand life, to possess the creative abilit


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