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分析结果: 更新新设备的现金流出总现值为39107.80元,比继续使用旧设备的现金流出总现值35973元要多出3134.80元。 因此,继续使用旧设备较好。 * * NPV = 132,000 / 1.15 + 100,000 / (1.15)2 – 150,000 / (1.15)3 – 90,000 = 1,769.54 Calculator: CF0 = -90,000; C01 = 132,000; F01 = 1; C02 = 100,000; F02 = 1; C03 = -150,000; F03 = 1; I = 15; CPT NPV = 1769.54 If you compute the IRR on the calculator, you get 10.11% because it is the first one that you come to. So, if you just blindly use the calculator without recognizing the uneven cash flows, NPV would say to accept and IRR would say to reject. * You should accept the project if the required return is between 10.11% and 42.66% * As long as we do not have limited capital, we should choose project A. Students will often argue that you should choose B because then you can invest the additional $100 in another good project, say C. The point is that if we do not have limited capital, we can invest in A and C and still be better off. If we have limited capital, then we will need to examine what combinations of projects with A provide the highest NPV and what combinations of projects with B provide the highest NPV. You then go with the set that will create the most value. If you have limited capital and a large number of mutually exclusive projects, then you will want to set up a computer program to determine the best combination of projects within the budget constraints. The important point is that we DO NOT use IRR to choose between projects regardless of whether or not we have limited capital. * If the required return is less than the crossover point of 11.8%, then you should choose A If the required return is greater than the crossover point of 11.8%, then you should choose B 分析思考 某公司有一投资项目的A方案有关资料如下:项目原始投资650万元,其中:固定资产投资500万元,流动资金投资100万元,其余为无形资产投资。该项目建设期为2年,经营期为10年,除流动资金投资在项目完工时投入外,其余投资均于建设起点一次投入。固定资产的寿命期为10年,按直线法计提折旧,期满有40万元的净残值;无形资产从经营年份起分10年摊销完毕;流动资产于终结点一次收回,预计项目投产后,每年发生的相关营业收入和付现成本分别为380万元和129万元,所得税税率为25%。 要求:若企业的必要报酬率为14%,请评价该方案是否可行。 净现值的评价 NPV的优点: 充分考虑了资金的时间价值; 运用了一项方案


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