7 Daniel Apocalyptic Faith.pptVIP

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7 Daniel Apocalyptic Faith.ppt

7. Daniel: Apocalyptic Faith BOT535 Postexilic History Literature Anomalies of the book of Daniel 1. “First, Daniel was regarded as a prophet already in antiquity (Matt 24.15; Josephus, Ant. and is classified with the Major Prophets in the LXX. Yet in the Hebrew Bible it is found in the Writings, in the fourth place from the end (before Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles).” [Collins, FOTL, 28] 1.01 Matt 24.15 “So when you see the desolating sacrilege standing in the holy place, as was spoken by the prophet Daniel....” Anomalies of the book of Daniel 1.02 Antiquities of the Jews 1.02.01 X.10.4 “...let him be diligent in reading the book of Daniel, which he will find among the sacred writings.” 1.02.02 X.11.7 “All these things did this man leave in writing, as God had showed them to him, insomuch, that such as read his prophecies, and see how they have been fulfilled, thou wonder at the honor wherewith God honored Daniel; and may thence discover how the Epicureans are in an error, who cast providence out of human life, and do not believe that God takes care of the Anomalies of the book of Daniel affairs of the world.... So that, by the forementioned predictions of Daniel,....” 2. “Second, the extent of the canonical text is a matter of dispute, since the Greek translations include four passages which are not found in the Hebrew: the Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Young Men in chap. 3 and the stories of Susanna and of Bel and the Dragon.” [Collins, FOTL, 28] 3. “Third, even within the text of the Hebrew Bible, Daniel is anomalous by its bilingualism. Chapters 1.1-2.4a and 8-12 are in Hebrew, while chaps. 2.4b-7.28 are in Aramaic.” [Collins, FOTL, 28] Anomalies of the book of Daniel 4. “Fourth, the problem of the two languages is compounded by the formal variety of the book. Chapters 1-6 are basically stories, which refer to Daniel in the third person. (Chapter 3 does not refer to him at all.) Chapters 7-12 are ostensibly revelations about the fu



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