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如何用英文写道歉信 篇一:如何用英文写道歉信 如何用英文写道歉信 Dear Miss Nancy, Much to my regret I was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday party last Saturday, owing to the fact that my little son was suddenly taken ill early that day. Hoping to see you soon. Truly yours, Tom 篇二:2014考研英语:应用文写作之道歉信 2014考研英语写作:应用文写作之道歉信 应用文写作不需要华丽的辞藻和多变的句式,只需要能够用简洁概括的语言将事情叙述清楚就能够取得不错的成绩。应用文写作作为考研英语中性价比比较高的题目,考生必须重视对其复习。应用文写作可以充分借鉴模板,以达到更好的复习效果。下面,就为考生介绍一下道歉信的基本写作方法。 道歉信是写信人对未尽之事向收信人表示歉意,写作的基本要求是:解释的理由要真实而详细,态度要诚恳、语言要诚挚,从而使收信人理解,并达到最终谅解。(详细见写作160篇137页) 道歉信一般写作步骤如下: 1)表达歉意的事由;2)解释原因,并提出可行的补救措施;3)再次致歉,企求对方的谅解。道歉信的写作要理由充分,态度诚恳,感情真挚,言语谦逊。道歉信常用套语有: 1表达歉意:There#39;s no excuse for … I forgot to …. I am indeed very sorry for …, but believe I had no intention to… Here is my deepest apology for ... Please forgive me for … 2解释苦衷:The fact is that I had …/ Unfortunately I … / I had a small accident …/ I have some urgent business to deal with My behavior yesterday was inexcusable, and I must tell you how … 3请求原谅提出补救方法:I want you to know how badly feel about… and to assure you that it will not happen again. I realize that particular… is irreplaceable, but I hope you will use the enclosed check to purchase a similar one. I hope this situation can be mended to everyone#39;s satisfaction. I can only hope you will forgive … on my part. 范例 Directions: You have received a complaint letter from your customer for the mix-up of order #: Write a letter to him to 1) express your apology 2) explain the reason 3) provide the solution and offer the compensation. Dear Mr. Bicman: I apologize for the mix-up of order #: We have just implemented a new packaging system that still has a few bugs to be worked out, but we did fix your order and sent it out this morning. For your trouble, we have enclosed a $25 gift certificate which can be used at any of our stores. Once again I would like to apologize for the mix-up in your order and any inconveniences this may have caused you. 最后,希望考


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