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高渗透率风电并网对电力系统失步振荡的影响 吕思昕,刘观起,郑洁,赵晓伟 (华北电力大学,河北保定 071003) 摘要:随着风电并网规模的持续增长,风电对电力系统失步振荡的影响不可小觑。本文利用 PSD-BPA仿真软件建立“风火打捆”等值单机无穷大系统,创新的采用解列装置动作的时效性作为判断系统失步程度的依据,从风电并网比例、风电场是否配备无功补偿、风机类型以及风电机组运行方式四个方面仿真分析风电并网对电力系统失步振荡的影响。结果表明,对应以上四方面当风电并网容量越多、风电场具备无功补偿、采用笼型恒速风机及风机采用恒电压运行方式时有利于抑制系统的失步振荡,提高系统的暂态稳定性。 关键字:风电并网;失步振荡;稳定性;解列装置 中图分类号:TM614 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-1390(2016)00-0000-00 Impact of high permeability wind power integration on power system Outout-of-step oscillation in power system Lv Sixin, Liu Guanqi, Zheng Jie, Zhao Xiaowei ((North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003,Hebei, China)) Abstract: With the increasing scale of wind power integration, the impact on out-of-step oscillation of power system cannot be underestimated. In this paper, for the research of the influence of wind power integration on power system out-of-step oscillation, firstly, using the PSD-BPA software is used to establish wind-thermal-bundled equivalent single-machine infinite-bus system, innovative use the timeliness of the splitting device is innovativly used as a judgment of the degree of the system out-of-step. Now, we can carry on simulation and analysis from 4 four aspects as follows: the wind permeability, whether the wind farm is equipped with reactive power compensation or not , the type of wind turbines and different operation modes of wind turbines. Corresponding to the above four aspects, the results show that the larger scale of wind power integration, when the wind farm has reactive power compensation, with the constant speed wind cage type machine and in the constant voltage operation mode are conducive to curb power grid out-of-step oscillation, which also can improve the transient stability of the system. Keywords: wind power integration, out of step oscillation, stability, splitting device 0 引 言 迫在眉睫的能源危机以及日趋恶化的生态环境,使新能源发电及可靠并网成为炙手可热的研究焦点,其中技术发展最快、发电模式最佳,前景最为光明的则属风力发电。我国丰富的风能资源主要集中在东北、华北、西北地区,而用电负荷却集中在经济发达的三华地区,因此风电集中并网具有地域过于集中、远离负荷中心的特点。风力发电等各类新能源大容量集中


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