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大家网金融英语/forum-111-1.html PAGE  大家网金融英语/forum-111-1.html TEXT 56 Something new 新意(陈继龙 编译) Aug 3rd 2006 | BEIJING From The Economist print edition AFTER years of prospering as the worlds workshop, China now wants to be its laboratory as well. “Innovation” has become a national buzzword[1], and Chinese leaders have been tossing it into their speeches since the beginning of the year, when President Hu Jintao started an ambitious campaign to drive Chinas economy further up the value chain. (1)True, new campaigns and catchphrases[2] are declared by the government and the Communist Party in China all the time, and mostly end up fizzling out[3] in puddles[4] of rhetoric. But there are signs that the government i_______① to back its innovation campaign with more than just words. 中国作为“世界工场”,多年来发展蒸蒸日上,但现在它也希望成为“世界实验室”。“创新”已经成为举国上下一个时髦词儿。今年年初,胡锦涛主席启动了一项雄心勃勃的规划,旨在推动中国经济进一步与价值链接轨。从那以后,中国领导人在讲话中就经常提到“创新”一词。确实,中国政府和中国共产党总是宣布各种新计划,创造各种新术语,可最终都因流于表面文章而不了了之。不过,许多迹象表明,中国政府正准备用实际行动来支持这次创新规划。 In launching their “National Medium- and Long-Term Programme for Scientific and Technological Development (2006-20)”, Mr Hu, the prime minister, Wen Jiabao, and other top officials have v______② to spend more on science and technology, and to insist on business reforms. Their goal is to move China beyond its dependence on natural resources and cheap labour, and stake its place among the economies that depend on education and information technology. 在推出《国家中长期科学与技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020)》后,胡锦涛主席、温家宝总理和其他高级官员都许诺要加大科技投入,并坚持行业改革。他们的目标是推动中国不再过于依赖自然资源和廉价劳动力,并投身于依靠教育和信息技术的经济体系之中。 Officials say privately that the new policy emerged only after years of contentious internal debate.(2) One divide was between nationalists, who advocated a go-it-alone approach towards developing indigenous technology, and others who were more open to international collaboration. There were also disagreements as to whether the campaign should concentrate on scientific mega-projects or incremental innovation. 有官员私下里说,这一新政策是在国内多年的激烈


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