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PAGE 1 PAGE 17 南京郑和外国语学校 集体备课主备教师教学方案设计意见 (各学科组可根据学科特点对本摹本进行修订)   备课组: 初三英语      主备人:吴 乔 教材内容: Unit5 Art World 本单 元教 材的 地位 和作 用教材分析(含对本单元教材增减、取舍、整合的意见)This unit mainly talks about different art forms. In this unit, students should learn to guess the meaning of a word from the context and try to use the new words to talk about an art form. In this unit, students should also learn to give reasons with because, since and as.学情分析(含对本单元学生自学和预习的范围、内容、方法及要求)Although students are not quite familiar with some art forms in this unit, they may not find difficulty in understanding. Students should try their best to guess the meaning of the new words from the context before class.本单 元教 材的 课时 安排含本单元教学中演示或分组实验、综合性学习,探究性学习、作文教学、单元检测等实施意见Welcome to the unit:1课时 Integrated skills:1课时 Reading:2课时 study skills:1课时 Grammar :1课时 Task:1课时 知识与能力目标学习内容 学习水平 识记理解掌握运用分析综合重点难点New words√√√√New phrases√√√√√conjunctions√√√√How to guess the meaning of a word from the context√√Write about a favourite art form√√√过程与方法目标Remember and try to use the new words. Master new phrases in this unit. Learn to use because, since and as to give reasons. Try to write about a favourite art form. Listen and understand the information about different kinds of music, and use the information to make a dialogue.情感与价值观目标By learning this unit, students can get to know different art forms, it can help improve their?aesthetic?taste?and cultural?connotation.课时教案: 上课日期:2014 年 月 日 第 节 课题Unit5 Welcome to the unit and comic strips第 1 课时教学目标1. To understand vocabulary relating to different art forms. 2. To talk about different art forms.教学重点New words: pleasant musical amazing drama photography talent pop教学难点Useful phrases: art form 教学过程设计与实施的要求(教案详细、课件


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