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目 录 摘 要 .........................................................................................................1 Abstract......................................................................................................................2 前 言...........................................................3 第一章 绪 论 4 1.1 开发背景 4 1.2国内外现状 4 第二章 6 第三章 硬件设计 7 3.1 主要芯片介绍 7 3.1.1 7 3.1.2 显示芯片LCD1602 9 3.1.3 时钟芯片DS1302 9 3.1.4 数字温湿度传感器DHT11 11 3.2 各部分电路介绍 14 3.2.1 单片机电路 14 3.2.2 传感器电路 15 3.2.3 16 3.2.4 按键电路 16 3.2.5 报警电路 17 第四章 系统软件部分设计 17 18 4.2 温湿度采集框图 19 第五章 仿真与测试结果 19 5.1 测试结果分析 20 5.2 电路功耗测试 21 第章 总结与展望 21 参考文献 致 谢 摘 要 设计的温湿度。单片、DHT11温湿度传感器是一款已校准数字输出的温湿度复合传感器,传感器一个电阻式感湿件和NTC测温元件 作 者:邵尉 指导教师: Abstract IIn order to solve the problem of power consumption for temperature and humidity monitor, this paper designed a temperature humidity monitor based on digital temperature and humidity sensor DHT11 and low power consumption. The microcontroller is low power consumption, high performance STC89C51. DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor is a temperature and humidity compound sensor is calibrated digital output, the sensor contains a resistance type humidity sensing element and NTC temperature element. In the clock circuit, device using DS1302 is also a power consumption is very low, and it can display the time and date of the perfect, can accurately record the temperature and relative humidity at the time of the. Design the circuit comprises a temperature and humidity module, LCD module, alarm module, time display module. When the temperature and humidity of actual measurement of temperature and humidity is greater than the set value, the system will beep, in order to play the role of reminding function. The test shows that the temperature and humidity monitor is low power consumption. Keywords:DHT11、Temperature and humidity


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