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竞选演讲视频 m4v,mov.我刚用迅雷刚才下了五个视频,速度感觉还可以视频在暴风影音和real player上每个都可以播放,我都试过了。 这些视频不是非常多。但都是奥巴马经典的演讲视频,还有奥巴马在大选过程相关的一些视频,比如grassroots organizing类的视频,和The Campaign Trail的一些视频。 需要更多好的英语资料的朋友看这里 最新添加 奥巴马就职演讲视频和音频下载,下载地址 以下的演讲视频直接点击就可以下载了 1 New Hampshire Primary Speech: Yes We Can forging a new future for American south carolina victory speech amrican stories Democratic National Convention00Keynote Biden VP announcement Orlando, Fla VFW Address Yes We Can, Nashua NH 10 Boston Students 11 Bronx Students,下载地址 以下的演讲视频直接点击就可以下载了 1 a more perfect union New Hampshire Primary Speech: Yes We Can forging a new future for American south carolina victory speech amrican stories Democratic National Convention00Keynote Biden VP announcement Orlando, Fla VFW Address Yes We Can, Nashua NH 10 Boston Students 11 Bronx Students 奥巴马所有英文演讲稿 美国总统竞选辩论三场完整辩论视频音频,英文文稿下载 观看经典两分钟,奥巴马如何回击麦凯恩视频 奥巴马和麦凯恩经济,教育,能源环境,种族等各方面政策的对比 奥巴马《无畏的希望》《我父亲的梦想》在线阅读 2012年民主党奥巴马和共和党罗姆尼总统竞选演讲视频和双语文本 奥巴马总统竞选演讲视频和双语文本 Four years ago as I had the privilege to travel all across the country and meet Americans from all walks of life. I decided nobody else should have to endure the heartbreak of a broken health care system. No one in the wealthiest nation on earth should go because they get sick. Nobody should have to tell their daughters or sons the decisions they can and cannot make for themselves are constrained because of some politicians in Washington. 四年前我有幸周游了全国,遇到了各行各业的人们。我下定了决心不让任何人由于医疗保健系统的不健全而心碎,不让这个世界上最富有的的国家的任何人因为疾病而穷困潦倒。不让任何人需要告诉自己的子女,他们能做什么,不能做什么,会由华盛顿的某些政客而左右。 And thanks to you, we’ve made a difference in people’s lives. Thanks to you. There are folks that I meet today who have gotten care and their cancer’s been caught. And they’ve got treatment. And they are living full lives and it happened because of you. 感谢你们,人们的生活才有了更多不同。感谢你们,让今天的我


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