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二、 旅游英语考试要求 1.独立完成。 2.要求有详细的译者注,译者注居于译文之后。 3.翻译过程中注意不同文体的文本特点及相应翻译策略的使用。 4.请各位同学于7月8日交卷,试卷以各自姓名命名。 本试卷共分为英汉翻译和汉英翻译,文本类型为景点介绍。 I Niagara Falls is one of the most spectacular natural wonders of North America. It is on the Niagara River, about halfway between Lake Erie and Ontario. The river forms part of the United States-Canadian border. 尼亚加拉大瀑布是北美最壮观的自然景观之一,位于美国与加拿大的界河——尼亚加拉河上,伊利湖和安大略湖之间。 Niagara Falls actually consists of two waterfalls, the Horseshoe Falls and the American Falls. The Horseshoe Falls is on the Canadian side of the border in the province of Ontario. The American Falls is on the United States side in the state of New York. At night, wide beams of colored lights illuminate the falls. About 10 million people visit Niagara Falls annually. 尼亚加拉大瀑布由马蹄瀑布和美国瀑布组成。马蹄瀑布位于加拿大安大略省境内。美国瀑布位于美国纽约州境内。夜晚,瀑布在大束的彩光灯照射下美轮美奂。尼亚加纳大瀑布每年吸引的游客数量约为1000万人次。 Niagara Falls attracts visitors throughout the year. However, most visitors come during the tourist season, from April 1 to October 31. Several steamers called the Maid of the Mist take sightseers close to the churning waters at the base of the falls. Parks line both sides of the river near Niagara Falls. Excellent views of the falls may be seen from such sites as Prospect Point, Table Rock, and Terrapin Point. Four observation towers, ranging from 86 to 150 meters high, also provide fine views of the falls. 尼亚加拉大瀑布一年四季都适合游览。但是,大部分游客还是集中在旅游旺季(4月1日~10月31日)前往。汽轮,如“雾中少女”号,引领游客们到达瀑布底端近距离接触汹涌澎湃的瀑布。瀑布两岸公园林立。从普罗斯佩克特角、桌岩和水龟观测点观景视角最佳。另外还有四座视野极好的观景塔可供游客观赏瀑布,塔高从86米到150米不等。 United States and Canadian hydroelectric plants divert some of the water through tunnels from the Niagara River before it reaches Niagara Falls. For scenic reasons, however, the amount of water that may be diverted is regulated by a treaty between the United States and Canada. The treaty states that at least 2,800 cubic meters of water a second must pass over the falls during daylight hours of the tourist season. At other times, the flow


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