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英王妃护士之死特刊一、[女王清晨来电?]伦敦时间12月4日,英国爱德华七世医院。英王妃凯特因怀孕初期的严重害喜症状正在该院治疗观察。清晨5点半,电话响了。It was 5:30 am, Dec 4, King Edward VII Hospital in London, where the Duchess of Cambridge was being treated for acute morning sickness during the early stages of her pregnancy. A call came in.值班护士:早上好,这里是爱德华七世医院。Receptionist: Hello, good morning, King Edward VII Hospital.打电话者:你好,我想跟我的孙媳妇凯特说话。Caller: Oh, hello there. Could I please speak to Kate please, my granddaughter?值班护士:好的,夫人请稍等。Receptionist: Oh yes, just hold on maam.打电话者:谢谢你。Caller: Thank you....二、 [护士之死]于是,杰西塔·萨尔达尼亚将电话转接给了凯特王妃的病房。病房另一位护士向电话那头透露了王妃的病情。两人都丝毫未发觉这是个来自海外的恶作剧电话,澳大利亚一电台的两位主持人正模仿女王和查尔斯王子的声音和她们对话,电话的内容后来向数百万人广播。JacinthaSaldanha then transferred the call through to Kate Middletons ward, where a second nurse was tricked into revealing confidential information about the Duchess. They had no idea that it was a prank call made by 2 Australian radio hosts impersonating Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Charles and was later broadcast to millions.3天之后,也就是12月7日上午,萨尔达尼亚在距离爱德华七世医院不远处的寓所内上吊自杀身亡。Three days later, JacinthaSaldanha was found dead at her residence yards away from King Edward VII Hospital Friday morning. She had hanged herself.三、处在风口浪尖上的各方纷纷表示震惊、悲痛、心碎。[医院]医院首席执行官约翰·洛夫特豪斯称:失去了如此细心又勤勉的同事,我们每个人都感到十分震惊。他反复强调萨尔达尼亚没有面临内部纪律处分。Hospital chief executive John Lofthouse said Everyone is shocked by the loss of a caring and diligent colleague, and repeatedly stressed that Saldanha did not face any disciplinary action.[电台]打出恶搞电话的节目所属的澳洲南十字星公司对这起悲剧表示沉痛哀悼,决定暂停节目播放,何时恢复待另行通知。两位主播公开道歉,形容自己听到噩耗之后的心情是:沮丧、崩溃、心碎。Southern Cross Austereo, owner of the show that made the prank call, said they were deeply saddened by the tragic news and decided that they would not air the radio show again until further notice. The 2 hosts apologized, describing their reactions as gutted, shattered, heartbroken.[王室]威廉王子和凯特王妃发声明向萨尔达尼亚的家人、朋友和同事寄托哀思和祈祷,并强调王室从未就电话事件怪罪过医院。The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge issued a statement saying their thoughts and prayers are with her fami


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