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Chinadaily手机报2012-6-10 早报 一、【Morning Buzz】 Perhaps love is the process of my leading you gently back to yourself. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery, French pilot and writer, 1900-1944) 爱情,或许就是我带你找回自我这样一段温柔的旅程。(安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里,法国飞行家、作家,1900-1944) 【Cover Story】 Shenzhou-9 launch in June 神九就位或载女宇航员 China will launch its Shenzhou-9 manned spacecraft in mid-June to perform the countrys first manned space docking mission with the orbiting Tiangong-1 space lab module, Xinhua reported. By 10:30 am Saturday, the spacecraft and its carrier rocket, the Long March-2F, had been moved to the launch platform at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. Three astronauts will be sent into space, and women might be included. They will carry out scientific experiments in Tiangong-1. 据新华社报道,我国本月中旬择机发射神舟九号载人航天飞船,将首次通过人工手动对接在轨运行的天宫一号目标飞行器。9日上午10时30分,搭载有神九飞船的长征2F运载火箭已转移至酒泉飞行发射中心发射场。3位宇航员将进入天宫一号进行科学实验,女宇航员也可能首次进入太空。 三、【Top News】 Activists to fish near Diaoyu 日团体今在钓鱼岛钓鱼 Tokyos conservative political group plans to stage a fishing match within the waters around the Diaoyu Islands today, in a bid to show Japans so-called territorial sovereignty over the areas, reported. Six members of the parliament are to participate in the political farce (闹剧), along with more than 30 activists. 据日本新闻网报道,日本东京保守派政治团体将于今日在钓鱼岛附近海域举行钓鱼大赛,以显示日本对钓鱼岛所谓的主权。据悉,参加此次钓鱼大赛的包括6名国会议员和30余名日本的政治活动家。 Philippines military deal 菲拟与新加坡军队互训 The Philippines is studying a military training agreement with Singapore, AFP reported Saturday, citing the Philippines defense department. The proposed Visiting Forces Agreement would allow Philippine and Singaporean troops to train in each others countries and stage joint exercises. The Philippines is also closely watching the progress of a similar accord with Australia. The US, the countrys main defense ally, sealed such a deal in 1999. 据法新社9日报道,菲律宾国防部透露,菲方正在研究与新加坡签订《军队到访协议》,以使两国军队可互访训练,联合演习。此外,菲还在密切关注与澳大利亚之间这一协议的进展。1999年,菲律宾与其主要军事盟友美国签订了《军队到访协议》。 [阿基诺访美] Philippine


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