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基础英语2第二单元答案The?Virtues?of?Growing?OlderText comprehension I.??????? C II.???? 1 F; 2 F; 3 F; 4 T; 5 T. III.?? ? 1. worshiping youth and fearing growing old. To delay the effects of aging with cosmetics and physical exercises. 2. three. Less concern for one’s appearance; less uncertainty about the unknowns in the future; surer self-identity. 3. feel uncertain about what will happen to them and what they should do. 4. use contrast structure “Being young means…/ It means…” and “I …now/ I no longer…” 5. The writer learns the significance that the newer (younger) is not necessarily better, and she can be happier than before as she grows older. ? IV.?? ? 1. Women are less capable of resisting the temptation the temptation of fashion than men. 2. make friends with different people in order to find a new identity for yourself. ? Structural analysis of the text 1.?????? see III 2. 2.?????? Paragraph 3: the last sentence; Paragraph 4: the second sentence; Paragraph 5: the first sentence. ? Section Four Consolidation Activities Part one. Vocabulary Analysis I. Phrase practice 1. are apt to= are likely to? 易于……,有……的倾向 e.g. Infants are apt to put their hands into their mouths. 婴儿爱把手往嘴里塞。 ? 2. fall apart= break up / disintegrate ? 3. in general= as a whole? 通常,大体上;总的来说,从总体上看 e.g. In general, this company’s products are very reliable. 这家公司的产品通常是很可靠的。?? In general, this paper is a bit difficult for these students to finish in an hour. 总的来说,让学生在一个小时内完成这份试卷有些困难。 ? 4. at the mercy of= powerless against; completely controlled by? 对……无能为力;任……处置,任由……摆布 e.g. Some people are born with the belief that they are masters of their own lives. Others feel they are at the mercy of fate. 有些人天生相信自己是生命的主宰,另一些人则觉得他们受到命运的支配。 I don’t want to put myself at the mercy of others. 我不希望任由他人摆布。 ? 5. no wonder= not surprising / only too natural? 不足为奇,并不奇怪 e.g. It is no wonder that it is so wet in the south.? 南方这么潮湿,并不奇怪。 ?? No wonder you’re so tired, you’ve worked three hours without a break.? 难怪你这么累,你已经连续工作了三


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