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Module 3 Unit One The world of our senses I: Key words: 1. 使糊涂 ———— 2. 预报,预测———— 3.观察————— 4. 瞥,扫视——— 5. 无论哪里———— 6 接近—————— 7. 犹豫———— 8.焦虑的———— 9. 感激的————— 10轻松,宽慰———— 11.减少————— 12.认出,————— 13. 谜,使困惑———— 14. 忽视————— 15. 距离—————— 16.波浪,挥手————— 17.套装,适合——— 18使连在一起——— 19.残疾—————— 20. 抱有希望的——— 21. 咬—————— 22.相反的—————— 23. 吸引————— 24. 镇静的——— 25.使用,雇佣 ———— 26. 不像,与…不同 ———— II: Key phrases: 1. ___ sight 看得到 2. _____ out(伸出 ) 3. wish _______ 盼望 4. stare ____ 凝视 5. watch ____ ___留意 6 glance____ 瞥一眼 7. roll___ 卷起来 8. make______ 有意义 9. make the most ____ 充分利用 10.____ relieve 轻松地 11. can’t help ____ 禁不住做某事 12. make ____ 有进步 13. all ____ a _____ 突然,猛地 14. feed ____ 以…为食 III: Key sentences: 1. 一到街上,她就急匆匆地像往常乘车的车站走去。 ____ out in the street, she walked quickly ___ her usual bus stop. 2.实际情况是雾太大了,公交车开不了那么远。 The truth is ___ it is too ____ tor the bus to run ___ far.. 3那里的天气说不定会好一些,你在那里也许能够搭乘一辆出租车 The weather ___ be better there and you will be ___ ___ get a taxi. 4. 她感觉到有一个穿黑色外套的高个子男人在注视着她 She had a ____ ____ she was being watched by a tall man ___ a dark coat. IV Multiple choices: 1– What do you think of our new English teacher? – We all like her because she has a good ____ of humor. a. sense b. ability c. event d. feeling 2. ____ he is tired out, for he hasn’t slept at all for three days. a. There is no point b. It’s no wonder c. It is no need d. It is no way 3. The meeting was put off, ____ was exactly ____ we wanted. a. it; that b. as; that c. which; what d. this; what 4. Thank you, but ___ I’ll have time I’m not sure at the moment. a. if b. whether c. while d. when 5.____ employed, Simon ___ to Africa to do market research. A .Once; will be sent b. If ; sent c. Once ; has been sent d .If ; was sent 6. From the room you can see ___ hard he works and ___ a simple life he leads. a. what; how b. what; what c. how; how d. how; what 7. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt ____ a cure for the bird flu


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