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once upon a time

Once Upon A Time 第一季 Snow white and prince charming白雪公主和白马王子 Pinocchio匹诺曹 Jiminy cricket小蟋蟀杰米尼 your majesty Cinderella灰姑娘 red小红帽 happy Valentine’s day情人节快乐 None of your concern. Code name代号 lay it on me.但说无妨 mayor镇长 your move该你了 All power has its limits. All due respect.恕我直言 A deal is a deal. All magic comes at a price. Alms for the poor.可怜可怜穷人吧 Are you insinuating something? 你话中有话 A gentle nudge I shall provide.我还是会薄尽绵力 Bad things tend to happen to bad people.恶人有恶报 Cramping at straws死马当活马医 Everyone has a choice; just make sure it’s the right one. Good can not just lose. /good will always win.邪不胜正 How did you allow yourself to end up in her pocket? 为什么要唯她马首是瞻 How far are you willing to go.你愿意为此牺牲多少 I will destroy you if it is the last thing I do.我会竭尽全力毁掉你 I can read between the lines.我知道你话里有话 If the price is a hole that will never be filled, why do it? I let you off the hook back there.我放了你一马 I never rule out anything.宁可信其有,不可信其无 I’d rather have nothing than settle for less.宁缺毋滥 I get to call the shots.一切都是我说了算 I’m giving you a head start.替你拖住他们 If you’d like to get something off your chest, please come in.你要是有什么不吐不快就请进屋吧 I’ve got all the time in the world.我有的是时间 I’ll hang on very word you say.我会牢记你说的每个字 It’s like his words arent his at all.他简直就像是言不由衷 Let’s be clear.先把话说清楚 Maybe I saw the light.也许我突然明白事理了呢 Now they tend to form strong monogamous bonds.他们一般是一夫一妻,而且忠贞不渝 Not open for discussion没有商量余地 No one decides my fate but me. Not gonna happen没门 Revenge is a dark and lonely road.复仇是条孤独的不归路 She has her hands in everything.所有的事她都插手 Stop letting other people make decisions for you. Seen me as a threat视我为眼中钉 That was the way over the line.这实在是太过分了 Two people with a common goal can accomplish many things.若是两个人目标一致,可成大事 Take a leap of faith放手一搏 Two people with a common enemy can accomplish even more.两个人同仇敌忾,将所向披靡 They must have been waiting for the storm to clear. The eagle is in the nest鹰已归巢 Thank you for


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