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直线网 本教学为翻译教学,转载请注明来自,以及注明翻译者 原教学出自CGArena网站,原始链接如下: /freestuff/tutorials/photoshop/dragonbattle/mech-dragon-battle.html 请尊重互联网道德,转载请注明转载出处和翻译者,谢谢! Making of Mech Dragon Battle 电子龙战的绘制流程 I start the sketch in a very cool online app: , which really does emulate the splatter technique made popular by Pollock. And I like to start out my images in an abstract way, so this was perfect! 我开始的时候是使用一个非常酷的在线绘图程序开始画草图的,这个程序模拟波拉克著名的喷溅绘画效果非常真实,我也喜欢以一种抽象的方式开始我的绘画,因此这真是个完美的开始。 Next I take the white out of the image using Levels. Then I start throwing down the random shapes that wrap themselves around this black blob thing. I used the custom shapes, the pen tool, and the lasso tool to make these shapes and the transform functions under Edit to manipulate them. I guess the point I’d stress here is, it’s not about any one of these tools; it’s about understanding the form and volume, and knowing how to draw things around a form. 接下来我使用Level工具去掉白色的部分,然后我沿着主要的黑色形态添加随机的形状,我使用自定义形状,钢 笔工具,和索套工具来制作这些形状,并且使用Edit菜单下的变换工具复制它们,我猜我需要着重说明的一点是,这和你用什么工具关系不大,重要是理解形态 和体积,以及如何围绕一个形态来绘画。 Now I’ve added a subtle color gradient to the background to give a sense of atmosphere. I also continue to add shapes and blue lights to this ‘thing’ ( I still don’t know what it is at this point). 现在我给背景添加了微妙的渐变效果,来增加一种大气环境的感觉。我也继续给这个“东西”增加形状和蓝色的灯光(到目前为止,我还是不知道它究竟会变成什么东西。) I decide to add a human element to give a sense of scale, and a mountain range to give a sense of depth. Both were drawn quickly with the lasso tool, the filled in. 我决定添加一个人体元素,来给场景一个正确的比例概念,以及一些山脉,给场景一些深度,这些都是使用索套工具很随意画出来的,只要选择再填充颜色就好。 Now I duplicated the ‘head’ of this thing, then construct it’s body that goes off into the distance, giving the image more depth. I’ve also added tentacles whipping around, with claws on the ends of them. 现在我把这个东西的“头”复制出来,然后往深处构建它的身体,给画面更多的深度。我还在身体周围添加了触须,在触须末端还有爪子。 Now the image starts getting crazy! I really started to feel like the guys down below, frantically running around, trying to stay clear of


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