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定理: 给定图 g1,g2 和g3, 如果 mccs g1, g2 的连通性支配了g2 的连通性或者mccs g3, g2 的连通性支配了g2 的连通性,则 dist g1, g3 ≤ dist g1, g2 + dist g2, g3 . 证明:首先证明如果mccs g1, g2 的连通性支配了g2的连通性,则定理成立。 假定 F是从mccs g1, g2 到g2的子图同构匹配,由此,如果在mccs g1, g2 中删除了边集导致mccs g1, g2 不连通,那么在g2中删除F S 会导致g2的不连通。注意F mccs g1, g2 和mccs g2, g3 均是g2的子图,现证明F mccs g1, g2 与mccs g2, g3 的共有部分(记为F mccs g1, g2 ∩ mccs g2, g3 )或者为?,或者为g2的联通子图。 假设F mccs g1, g2 ∩ mccs g2, g3 ≠? 是不连通的。那么在F mccs g1, g2 ∩ mccs g2, g3 中至少有两个连通的部分存在。记c1和c2是F mccs g1, g2 ∩ mccs g2, g3 中两个最大连通部分且彼此不连通。 Let S′ be the set of edges in F mccs g1, g2 each of which is either incident to a vertex in c1 or to a vertex in c2 but is not contained in c1 or c2. It is immediate that S′ ∩ E mccs g2, g3 ? since c1 and c2 are maximum in F mccs g1, g2 ∩ mccs g2, g3 . According to the definition of S′, the removal of S′ makes F mccs g1, g2 disconnected. Hence, the removal of F?1 S′ makes mccs g1, g2 disconnected. Therefore, the removal of S′ makes g2 disconnected according to the assumption; that is, g2 ? S′ is disconnected. Since S′ ∩ E mccs g2, g3 ?, c1 ? mccs g2, g3 , c2 ? mccs g2, g3 , and g2 ? S′ is disconnected, it is immediate that mccs g2, g3 is disconnected.Contradicting! Therefore, F mccs g1, g2 ∩ mccs g2, g3 is either ? or connected. Thus, |E mccs g1, g3 | ≥ |E F mccs g1, g2 ∩E mccs g2, g3 | 1 We can represent |E g2 | as follows where α ≥ 0 is the number of edges in g2 not included in F mccs g1, g2 nor in mccs g2, g3 . |g2| α + |E F mccs g1, g2 | + |E mccs g2, g3 |? |E F mccs g1, g2 ∩ mccs g2, g3 | 2 From 1 and 2 , together with the definition of graph relaxation distance, the theorem follows. Similarly, we can prove the theorem if the connectivity mccs g3, g2 dominates g2.


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