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计算机专业英语期末复习题 0506 一、词汇测试题 1.?entral processing unit(CPU)??? ???????????????????? 2.?perating system???????????????????? 3.?PDAabbr. Personal Digital Assistant)??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? 4.?oaxial cable??????????????????? 5.?Disk defragmentation?????????????????????????????????????????????? 6.? Peripheral device??????????????????? 7expansion slots ?????????????????????????????????????????????? 8. design templates????? ????????????????????? 9. machine language????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ??? 10.worksheet??? ???????????????????? 1.所见即所得?______________?????? 2.综合业务服务网?????????????????????? 3 4.文件传送[输]协议?????????????? 5.通用串行总线_____________?? 6.只读存储器???????????? 7.图形用户接口________???? 8.结构化查询语言?????????????? ?????? 9.数据库管理系统________????? ?????? 10.基本输入输出系统?PPM refers to the number of pages that a printer prints per minute. ( ) 2.The ASCII code is the most widely-used standardized coding system. ( ) 3.DOS is a multitasking operating system. ( ) 4.To select a group of adjacent files, select the first file and then hold down the Shift?key and select the last file in the group. ( )5. Software is a set of instructions that tells the computer how to perform certain tasks. ( )6. Keyboarding is also referred to as touch typing. ( )7. Ergonomic keyboards relieve stress that can be incurred from repeated and/or longtime use on a keyboard ( ) 8. Planning is the first step in designing and creating a professional-looking document. ( ) 9. Spreadsheets can also be printed in graph format. ( ) 10. Factors that influence the quality of a monitor are screen size, resolution, and dot?pitch. 三、完型填空题 1. Microsoft Word XP is the current Window version of Word, and documents created in Word XP can be easily ___________ Excel, Power Point and Access files. In the interface of Word, the ___________ displays the name of the current application and name of the current document; the___________ lists the names of the


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