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Benefits Limitations of Distiller’s Dried Grains with Solubles for Swine Diets 干燥含残液烧酒糟 在猪日粮中应用的优点及局限性 ASA-IM 美 国 大 豆 协 会国际项目 Chinese Fall 2005 Swine Seminar 2006年秋中国养猪技术研讨会 Bob Thaler 博士 SDSU Extension Swine Specialist 美 国 南 达 科 达 大 学 养 猪 推 广 专 家 United States Ethanol Outlook 美国酒精业展望 Protein Sources 蛋 白 源 Protein is one of the more expensive components of a ration 蛋白质是日粮中比较昂贵的成份之一 Usually, no other feedstuff combination provides an equivalent nutrient balance at an equal price to a corn-SBM ration 通常,在相同成本的前提下,任何饲料原料的组合都不能提供像玉米-豆粕型日粮所提供的平衡养分 Pigs require amino acids, not protein 猪需要的是氨基酸,而非蛋白质。 Soybean meal is the “Gold Standard” by which all amino acid sources are measured against 豆粕是衡量所有氨基酸源的“黄金标准” Protein Sources 蛋白源 With the tremendous growth of the Ethanol industry, there are ever-increasing amounts of DDGS available for livestock rations 随着酒精工业的飞速发展,有越来越多的DDGS可供家畜日粮所用 DDGS is a protein/amino acid source that can work in swine diets DDGS是一种可以应用在猪日粮中的蛋白/氨基酸源 DDGS does have limitations that must be considered 必须注意:DDGS确实存在一定的局限性 Variations in Nutrient Quality 营养成分存在差异 Biggest concern with DDGS 对DDGS最大的担忧 9 DDGS samples (Cromwell et al, 1993) 9个DDGS样本 Dry matter 干物质 87-93% Crude protein 粗蛋白 23-29% Crude fat 粗脂肪 3-12% Lysine 赖氨酸 .59-.89% Color light golden to dark brown 颜色:浅金黄色到深褐色 Smell sweet to smoky or burnt 气味:从甜味到烟味或烧焦味 Nutrient Variability 营养成分变异大 Lysine = .78% average 赖氨酸=平均.78% However, from 6 samples from the same plant: 但是,来自同一生产厂6个样本的赖氨酸含量差异却很大: Lysine ranged from .65 to .97% (199


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