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Attaining Sustainable Digital Libraries Disruptive Libraries Feng Chia University 12 December 2008 What is normal? Financial tsunami Changing world geo-political world Altered world communication patterns Election of President-Elect Barrack Obama Unexpected change has dominated ‘Normal’ varies from era to era Rate of change in our own lives Dependent on our observation and awareness of our worlds A further factor is the extent to which we can influence the environment No one is immune from change ‘Rear Vision Mirror’ Looking to the past helps to understand how the future happens Remember the past Remember how to look forward from that time Rates of change can be determined Uncertainty and ‘Wei Ji’ If we were able to predict the future, we would be rich A crisis can mean different things to different people: may not even be a crisis! With every crisis there is an opportunity Opportunity can make people super-people if they have the skills Disruptive Technologies Clayton Christensen Innovator’s Dilemma Disruptive technologies Initially limited functionality eg PC’s, diaries, PDA’s Eventually DT’s have enough functionality for most people Five Principles Clayton Christensen Innovators dilemma Companies depend on customers and investors for resources *Do not meet current customer need fail Small markets do not solve growth needs of large companies *Emerging market first mover advantage ..margins too small for large markets often larger Markets that do not exist cannot be analysed *Market research and planning good for sustaining technologies Five Principles …….. 4.Organisation’s capabilities define its disabilities *Capability in processes and values…work against organisation implementing change 5. Technology supply may not equal market demand *Technology improvement provides greater performance than market can absorb Just two………… Markets which do not exist cannot be analysed What are the future markets for Librar


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