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变更条件下承包方创收的盈利模式研究 摘 要 近年来,建筑业总产值和利润稳定增长,随着承包企业数量的逐年增加,建筑市场竞争异常激烈,多家承包企业争夺一个项目,为求中标竞相压低成本导致使施工企业中标的利润低下,乃至出现亏损。对承包而言,保证中标的情况下如何合理报价,使承包的利润水平提高已成为当前一个急需解决的问题。,标准施工招标文件(2007年版)基于视角下工程变更和盈利对 关键词:工程变更 承包方 盈利模式 Research on Contractors Earned Income Management on Condition of Variations ABSTRACT In recent years, the construction industry output and profits steady growth, and with the number of enterprises increased year by year contract, the construction market is fiercely competitive, a number of contracting companies compete for a project, for the sake of winning compete to lower costs led to the successful engineering construction enterprises make profits low, even a loss occurs. For contracting companies, under the circumstances to ensure the successful how reasonable pricing, how to raise the level of corporate profits contract has become an urgent problem. Faced with this situation, the traditional use of the contract price earnings contractor has been unable to deal with the fierce market competition. Engineering Practice has proved that engineering change is a matter of common construction process and have an important impact on the contractor revenues, profit for the contractor provides an important opportunity. Based on the existing literature and engineering change regulations and case study analysis, based on Bill of Quantities construction specifications (GB 50854-2013),based on the perspective of research at the contractor and the contractor of the project change the profit model, in order to Contractors improve profitability. Details are as follows: First, based on the engineering change sources of risk, contractor profitability factors by expert scoring method for engineering changes were analyzed. Standing Contractors Perspective, according to engineering change risk sources of contractor profit factors were identified. According to the contractor profit factor identification, use of expert scoring method to give each contractor profitability


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