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毕 业 设 计 题 目 冲压式磨粒磨损试验机传动系统 及其三维设计 摘 要 本设计是冲压式磨粒磨损试验机的传动系统,该系统主要分为两大部分。第一部分是冲压机构,另一部分是传动系统。本设计中由于冲锤要实现的是往复运动,所以需要将回转运动变成往复直线运动,冲锤的往复运动可以有很多方式实现。例如,曲柄摇杆机构,凸轮机构,等等。由于冲锤频率是比较快的,所以我们不能用凸轮机构,因为凸轮在高频率的运动中容易磨损过快。为此选用曲轴连杆机构,曲轴连杆机构设计简单并且容易设计,简单的曲轴机构不仅能适应高频率的运动,同时也不受速度变化的影响。传动系统是本设计的重中之重,本设计的重点在于要实现冲动系统的变速功能。传动系统又分为两个主要功能,第一个功能是减速功能,主要是将电动机的转速减到一个合适的速度;第二个功能是变速功能。本设计中的所有传动都是靠齿轮来实现的,为了实现冲动系统的变速功能,我们采用了滑移齿轮来实现变速。本设计对以上的内容都做了详细的论述,对于此相关的设计可做依照。 关键词:冲压机构 传动系统 变速 ABSTRACT This design is the drive system of the ramjet abrasive wear testing machine, which is mainly divided into two parts. The first part is the press agency, and the other is the drive system. As the hammer, in this design is aimed to achieve the reciprocating motion, so it is necessary to make the rotary motion into reciprocating linear motion, so that the reciprocating motion of the hammer can achieve in a lot of ways, such as the crank-rocker mechanism, the cam mechanism, and so on. As the frequency of the hammer is relatively fast, we cannot use the cam, because the cam is easy to wear too fast in a movement at high frequencies. So we use the crank link mechanism, which is designed simply and easy to design. Simple crank institution not only can adapt to high frequency movements, but also rise superior to?the speed change. The drive system is the top priority of this design, whose focus is to achieve the function of the impulse transmission system. The transmission system has two main functions. The first is to slow down, mainly decelerate the motor an appropriate speed; the second is the speed capabilities. All of the transmission in this design is achieved by the gear. In order to achieve the transmission function of the impulse system, we use sliding gears to achieve transmission. All of the content of the above are particularly discussed in this design, which can be samples to the designs interrelated to this. Key words:press agency drive system transmission 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 前言 1 1


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