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福建项目ROJECT CONSTRUCTION 电气安全程序 ELECTRICAL SAFETY PROCEDURE 文件编号DOCUMENT NUMBER: FREP-04--2014 电气安全程序 ELECTRICAL SAFETY PROCEDURE 目录Table of Contents 编号NO. 页码page 1.0目的PURPOSE 3 2.0 范围SCOPE 3 3.0 定义 DEFINITION 3 4.0 职责 RESPONSIBILITY 4 5.0 指导说明 Instructions 4 6.0参考文献 Reference 16 7.0附件 ATTACHMENT 16 目的Purpose 本程序要求最大限度地消除电器设备和工具的不安全条件,包括绝缘缺陷、不当接地、触点虚接、元件缺陷、设备接地故障以及未受保护的带电元件。 This Procedure gives the requirements to minimize unsafe conditions involving electrical equipment and tools, including faulty insulation, improper grounding, loose electrical connections, defective parts, ground faults in equipment, and unguarded live electrical parts. 范围Scope 本程序用于最大限度地消除项目中的电器设备和工具的不安全条件。 This Procedure is applicable for minimizing unsafe conditions involving electrical equipment and tools in FREP roject. 定义Definitions 裸露(用于带电元件)—能够被人无意识触摸和超越安全距离地接近。用于无适当保护、绝缘 或隔离的元件。 Exposed (As applied to live parts)—Capable of being inadvertently touched or approached nearer than a safe distance by a person. It is applied to parts not suitably guarded, isolated, or insulated. 接地—无论是有意识的或是偶然的,在电器回路、电气设备和大地之间的连接,或者是连接到其它可以代替大地的导电物体上的连接。 Ground—A conducting connection, whether intentional or accidental, between an electrical circuit or equipment and the earth, or to some conducting body that serves in place of the earth. 3.3 接地故障断路器—一个当接地电流超过设定值时,具有可以切断供电电源功能的装置,该设定值小于过载保护装置的操作电流。 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter—A device whose function is to interrupt the electric circuit to the load when a fault current to ground exceeds some predetermined value that is less than that required to operate the over current protective device of the supply circuit. 3.4 防护—有盖的、屏蔽的、栅栏的、封闭的、或采用其它适当的保护措施,如覆盖、护套、障碍、护栏、屏蔽、衬垫或平台等,以便消除一切接触危险源的可能,包括人体和物体接触。 Guarded—Covered, shielded, fenced, enclosed, or otherwise protected by means of suitable covers, casings, barriers, rails, screens, mats, or platforms to remove the likelihood of approa



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