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智课网IELTS备考资料 雅思阅读材料之巴西酒吧推出“离线酒杯” 朋友聚会时,大家都忙着玩手机,没人愿意好好聊天?巴西一家酒吧推出了一款专治“聚会玩手机”现象的啤酒杯,酒杯底部只有一侧有脚,其余部分需要用手机垫着,杯子才不会倒。这样,大家在放下酒杯想要看手机时,只能望机兴叹,转而跟朋友们聊天交流了。这款杯子的设计者将其命名为“离线酒杯”,目的就是为了“把人们从在线世界拯救出来”。他还表示,大家也不用担心喝冰镇啤酒时,杯子外侧凝结的水珠会流到手机上,因为杯子的设计形状会让水珠顺着有脚的那侧直接流到桌上。当然,手机大小形状不同,就应该配不同型号的杯子。设计者表示,如果“离线酒杯”受到欢迎,他就会陆续推出各种型号手机对应的酒杯。 It is a uniquely modern complaint; Going to a bar with friends, only to find they spend the entire time playing with their smartphones instead of engaging in conversation. One bar in Brazil has found a way to fix this anti-social problem, and for once, the solution was found at the bottom of a glass. Salve Jorge Bar in S?o Paulo has introduced a beer glass that can only stand upright when placed on top of a phone. A section of the base of the glass has been cut out, to make drinkers focus on their friends, as opposed to their screens. Typically, drinkers would put down their glasses to pick up their phones, to surf the internet, or check social media sites, but doing so with this glass will result in your drink being spilled. Designed by advertising agency Fischer Friends, the Offline Glass is designed to save people from the online world. The designers have even addressed potentially damaging condensation from the cold beer dripping into an expensive smartphone and reeking havoc with the inner workings. The designers say the shape of the glass has been designed so the condensation only drips down one side of the glass to fall on the table, not your phones screen. One slight issue maybe the different sizes of the mobile phones out in the market but this is just the first prototype and can be adapted if it takes off. Flavius Cinira, one of the owners of the bar, told the Telegraph: The spirit of Salve Jorge is to bring together friends and everyday warriors, as we used to say, in a happy environment around good food and cold beer. Wanderley Romano, co-ow


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