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Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style CLICKER QUESTIONS For CAMPBELL BIOLOGY, NINTH EDITION Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Robert B. Jackson ? 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. ? 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Basic Principles of Animal Form and Function Chapter 40 Questions prepared by Christopher Gregg Louisiana State University John Lepri University of North Carolina, Greensboro These data show that the organism tested can be categorized as an osmo ___ and a thermal ___. Conformer; regulator regulator; conformer conformer; conformer regulator; regulator If thermoregulation is considered to be a secondary function of the large ears of jackrabbits, then the primary function of the ears is to optimize nutrient intake through the thin, permeable surfaces on the ears. to protect against pathogens by having a thick, waxy surface on the ears. to protect offspring from bright sunlight by positioning of the ears to cast the maximum shadows. to detect predators by using the large size and flexible positioning of the external ears to channel sound waves into the ear canal. to alter the rate of gas exchange, based on the adjustable radius of the ears’ blood vessels. Which is the best interpretation of these data? a) Maia, the spider crab, is an osmoconformer in salt water but is capable of precise osmoregulation in fresh water. b) Nereis, the clam worm, is an osmoconformer in fresh water and is capable of precise osmoregulation in brackish water. c) Carcinus, the shore crab, is capable of precise osmoregulation in brackish water and fresh water. d) All three crabs are precise osmoregulators in all three environments. Which of the following is an example of a negative feedback response? As the uterus contracts in labor and delivery, more oxytocin is released to intensify uterine contractions. Meerkats bask in the sun in the cool mornings but avoid the sun during the heat of the day. Se


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