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* Once chemists understood this, they wanted to make the attachments of the dye to the fabric more permanent, so their clothing would not fade so rapidly. They kept the conjugated pi systems for their coloring aspects of the dyes, and just added a group that they could use to form permanent, strong covalent bonds between the fabric and the dye! The Cl atoms out here on the ring on the far right are the reactive groups that we will use…. Here is how on the next slide. * Stylized cotton structure -- just “abbreviated” Treat fabric with base to remove the protons (or hydrogen cations) from the oxygen atoms of the alcohol groups -- just an acid base reaction like baking soda and vinegar…. Then add the dye solutions with their reactive chlorine atoms. The oxygen anions attach where the chlorine atoms were, and boot off the chlorine atoms, called a substitution process…. Most importantly, now we have the dye covalently bonded to the fabric and it is a permanent attachment. * * * * Clean and dry -- all fabric finishes are washed out! Soaking in bucket…. You first put on gloves! Get a wrung out shirt from us. Put your name tag (if using them) on shirt size tag for identifying your shirt later…. Keep gloves on until after clean up!!! Etc… * Twist and fold…. We will talk about various patterns at the end of the talk…. Rubber bands just hold the shirt in its fold; they will NOT keep dye from flowing from one space to another! 1 or 2 dozen shirts can be later washed together, but for now, we want the dye to stay only on your shirt! * CLEAN up your lab table -- other people will use your space and will not necessarily want the same colors you chose! Wipe up the dyes using the sponges and rinse them out at the sinks. Then you just have to wait… hardest part! 1-2 Tbsp of dish soap per load of shirts…. Talk about pattern options…. Use handout and dry white shirt to demonstrate…. ;-) * Bonding with Color Chemistry and Outreach O


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