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济南大学泉城学院 毕 业 设 计 题 目 结构设计 专 业 班 级 学 生 学 号 20073006158 指导教师 二〇一一年月日 摘 要 多轴钻床是一种孔加工机床,它被广泛应用于加工多孔工件。多轴钻床在生产中的应用,解决了普通钻床加工多孔工件时逐孔加工浪费人工和时间的两个重要问题。多轴钻床可同时加工工件上的多孔或着同时加工多个工件,显著的提高了加工效率,保证了孔距、孔径的精度。在本次设计中,设计的多轴钻床为箱体孔加工机床,属于专用机床。在高速发展的工业现代化的进程中和各种机械的设计和制造中,组合机床被越来越广泛的应用,并且越来越转化为生产力。从这个方面上讲,对于组合机床的研究具有十分重要的意义。 本次设计题目为卧式双面四轴组合钻床右主轴箱设计。本设计的主轴箱安装在滑板上面,大致工作原理如下:由电动机带动高速轴经齿轮传动最终将运动传至主轴,完成四轴同时加工过程。为扩大加工范围,设计中采用滑移齿轮进行二级变速。在重点章节中我对机床的传动部件进行了参数设计和结构设计,特别对齿轮、轴、轴承及键进行了具体的计算和验证。 关键词:多轴钻床;生产率;主轴箱 ABSTRACT In this paper Multi-axis drilling machine is a hole processing machine, which is widely used for processing of porous workpiece. Multi-axis drilling machine application in production, to solve the two important issues of ordinary processing of porous workpiece by drilling holes and time manually processing waste. Multi-axis drilling machine can work at the same time on the porous workpiece or the processing of multiple parts at the same time, this significantly improve the processing efficiency, Ensure the pitch, aperture accuracy. In this design, Multi-axis design for the box hole drilling machine tools, are special purpose machine. In the rapid development of modern industrial wave,or a variety of mechanical design and manufacturing, Machine tool more and more widely used, more and more into productivity. In this sense, the machine tool has important practical significance. The design of double-sided 4-axis horizontal subject to the right combination drilling machine spindle box. The design of the spindle box installed in the slide above, Generally works as follows: High speed shaft of the motor driven by the gear will eventually by the movement spread to the spindle, 4 axis at the same time to complete processing. To expand the range of processing, the design used secondary transmission gear slip.



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